2022 Games

Fire Emblem Heroes
- Status: Dropped
- Rating:8
- Playlist/link
My first gacha game. I was on and off of this game for a long time. I came back to it sometime last year. I do enjoy the gameplay of this game, it is Fire Emblem but all the different skills and abilities of the characters makes things quite interesting and different and there's a lot of possibilities and potential teams you can make. However this game was kind of draining me too much (in many ways), and for the sake of my health I felt I couldn't keep playing it. One of the most P2W gachas in my opinion and made me mald so much while taking so much of my time. However it was a fun game to stream because there was always something to "do" every day/week. I could just chill and casually do all my dailies/weeklies while on stream and chatting with people. Watching the new character trailers and FEH channels live was also really fun. I'll probably miss those parts the most.

- Status: Dropped
- Rating:8
- Playlist/link
Another gacha game that took my soul. I played this game daiy for over 2 years, maybe even 3 years? I really liked how different this game felt. Tower defense gameplay wasn't seen in gachas before,and it did it really well. Arknights had some of the most fun challenging content out there. It set the standard for gacha games to come with its sleek, smooth interfaces. Seriously, a lot of new gacha games just look like Arknights now. This game was my main content for a long time and was actually partly why I started streaming. I wanted to know and meet more people that played this game and make friends from it lol. I streamed all the events and CC challenges...Sadly, I've stopped playing this game. It ended up taking too much of my time and I didn't like the direction that this game was heading. Obviously I stopped streaming this game along with that. I don't see myself coming back, it'd be too hard now with all the things I've missed and I want to limit my gacha addiction.

- Status: Dropped
- Rating:8
- Playlist/link
Another gacha game, that I have a bit of a history with. Been on and off this for some time. I would occassionalyl stream gacha rolls for the most part, I think event runs can be a bit boring in this game. I stopped streaming this as part of a general policy to not stream gacha anymore. I do still play this game in my own time though, here and there. It's fun to roll on my own time. I've loved the Fate series as whole for a long time, since I read the F/SN visual novels in 2014 or so? So I am actually quite attached to these characters. I think FGO's strongest point is its characters. I'm also at the point where I can easily farm in this game so its no sweat for me to play it here and there.

Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
- Status: Dropped
- Rating:8
- Playlist/link
So this is a game I loved playing when I was a bit younger. Would be glued to my 3DS just playing Fates and Awakening. I wanted to come back to Conquest specifically as it's probably the best and most fun game to do a challenge run of. This playthrough was also a randomizer, and it was quite fun for a bit. Randomzier really shakes things up and adds interesting possibilities to the gameplay (though it can also incredibly fuck you over and give some lame results too). While I enjoyed this to some extent, I just couldn't keep it up for some reason. Maybe because it would just take incredibly long, with a pace of 2-3 chapters per stream and 26 chapters in the game...I also may have gotten stuck? I don't remember actually haha. But all this does make me want to potentially do another randomizer challenger run, maybe of another Fire Emblem game?

Animal Crossing
- Status: Dropped
- Rating:7
- Playlist/link
Tried doing a series on this, coming back on it every once in a while to check on my town...I couldn't keep up with playing this on my time though and there just wasn't much for me to do every time I came back to this game on stream. I wanted to keep it to special events like holidays as there's usually stuff going on then, but still, was difficult to keep up. Might be nice as zatsu game though. I still love this game and series, I just don't feel like I can commit to Animal Crossing any time soon.

Cult of the Lamb
- Status: Dropped
- Rating:7
- Playlist/link
Played this a bit around Halloween/Thanksgiving of 2022. It was the new "flavour of the month" type game but I think I even was a bit late to it tbh. It is definitely fun especially with the viewer interaction
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
- Status: Dropped
- Rating:7
- Playlist/link
Playyed this once, ragequit and never touched it again haha. I do have to say I love the aesthetics, I do like the combat, Alucard is fucking cool. But I don't think the METROIDVANIA or whatever you call it genre is for me. I hate losing progress in games as it feels like all the time I spent trying to do something was just wasted, and now I have to go back an hour or something and redo everything. And of course that happens in this game. I just did not have the patience to sit this through. Maybe if I tried this again now I'd be better at it, I do think I've evolved as a gamer. I last played this October of 2022 so it has been some time. Still, I have other things going on I guess. So for now, this stays dropped. If there's any other Castlevania game that is a bit more accessible/easy then I might play that, as I am interested in the mechanics and world and all that of these games.

Splatoon 3
- Status: Dropped
- Rating:8
- Playlist/link
I played this maybe once or twice on stream? I actually quite like this game and it's one of those shooter games I can actually stand. It's just so cool and cute being a lil squid kid and squirting ink everywhere. I like how cooperative it is (especially with the Salmon Run game mode) and you can win even by not focusing on kills. I haven't played this in a bit but I mostly played it on my own time with friends, not much of a stream game for me anymore. But I wouldn't mind playing this as a collab game perhaps?? Vtubers??

- Status: Completed
- Rating:8
- Playlist/link
A short horror game, I really liked this one. Has a great style (pixel graphics basically), and unique gameplay. Perfect for a one-shot horror stream experience. Not sure what else I can say without spoiling anything, but just play it. It's short anyways. I think there may be multiple endings too? Not sure on that actually.

Spookys House of Jumpscares
- Status: Dropped
- Rating:6
- Playlist/link
I played this last Halloween (2022) and I remember being so scared and such a chicken that I stopped after not even progressing that many levels though lol. But, maybe I could come back to this? I feel like I've grown stronger and tougher!!

Spyro the Dragon
- Status: Completed
- Rating:8
- Playlist/link
Played this game to completion and I actually completely archived it!! (as opposed to a bunch of my older streamers where I just let them die lol). A neat and short 3d platformer game, pretty easy to play and cute with a lot of style. I enjoyed my time with it and I can see why it is still semi popular especially in speedrunning circles.

- Status: Dropped
- Rating:6
- Playlist/link
Played this before it came to Steam and everything. It is fun and I love the pixel graphics, but it kind of feels like there's not much point. Just endlessly getting more improvements and snowballing etc etc...It is fun to have a game with all your Hololive oshis though. I just don't have the patience really to play this kind of grindy game anymore.

Lobotomy Corporation
- Status: Dropped
- Rating:7
- Playlist/link
fun monster management like game I just don't have the time to really go back to it and I'm not sure what kinda demand there is for it. I really want to play it more though, likely will be on my own time though.

The Backrooms
- Status: Dropped
- Rating:7
- Playlist/link
Played a few Backrooms games on stream once. This was really fun actually, I love these like Internet horror phenomenoms that come up now and then. It's a concept I really enjoyed and was fascinated with. The Backrooms videos on Youtube were pretty cool...anyways, I found a few games related to this concept, some I quit instantly while others I was able to play a bit more haha. I really didn't do well with horror back then. Maybe some time soon now I can revisit this? I wonder if there's any actually good and complete Backrooms games that exist now...

Genshin Impact
- Status: Dropped
- Rating:6
- Playlist/link
Used to be semi obsessed with this game, I was off and on with it for a while. Streamed it a bit too as a consequence. The thing with Genshin is there is just so many things to do because of all their updates and events and new islands and places or whatever...so it just felt efficient to me to stream while I did all of that. There was also this Genshin creator program or something where I could get primogems for just streaming the game, and that was a big reason why I streamed it too. Ultimately quit this game as it is waaayyy too much work.