
If you don't know, the pengoons are what I call my fans!! because you are penguins + goons hehe

Here's what your average pengoon looks like:

rendition of a pengoon rendition of a pengoon 2


These are the special pengoons which have contributed and hung around the channel a lot. Thank you all, I love you!!

Want to add your name here? Simply redeem the corresponding channel point reward during one of my Twitch streams!

screenshot of the redeems page on twitch
  1. aldeezy1
  2. champmattt
  3. uaouw111
  4. Labrattts
  5. psychoticmind3r
  6. Icecreammouth
  7. zuxtian
  8. completegarbagefire
  9. playful_bite
  10. glemothy
  11. AugmentedTTV
  12. AugmentedTTV
  13. uaouw111
  14. RZL2000
  15. joe
  16. SuperHimeChan
  17. playful_bite
  18. Xenomorphica
  19. ironphoenix43
  20. machochaos
  21. mimentomoriii
  22. Tseiryu
  23. dotman1337
  24. goatfort
  25. Postal_____
  26. budnesss
  27. dio__s
  28. zevaker23
  29. RueValehart
  30. AntaRevival
  31. criticalcookout
  32. redhairbabyface
  33. MrChenson
  34. skellitor_titan_direplan
  35. KingBlooy
  36. BadVibe12
  37. MOXgl
  38. Nandion
  39. Rune_SolaFrost
  40. NineBlueClouds
  41. Mrrgrrgrr