Movies I have watched!


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating:8

Very cute and beautiful animated movie! It's just pure artistry, no silly cringe and eye roley kids humour or w.e. It has no dialogue, it's just animals chilling so you really gotta pay attention! But it's not too hard because the little antics that go on are quite charming...But, because of all of this, there's not quite a discernable story...some moments especially are a bit confusing to figure out what they "mean"...the whole thing is a bit open ended in that way, and some ppl may not like that - but regardless I think it is a fun ride! It's also just a very IMPRESSIVE movie, made entirely in blender with a small team in Latvia, and it won an Oscar! I am actually curious if kids would enjoy this movie (because there's no dialogue or silly kids humour) but I'd like to believe they would...would definitely rewatch I think!


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating:6.5

So, this movie is unsurprisingly, quite gay! I wanted to watch it because I've seen this director's other films and liked them quite a lot. I think this one is quite good too, just not for me exactly...It's a story ultimately of failed and missed communication, incomptability you could call it? Trying to reach someone you can't reach...The main character, William, is just an ojisan trying to form a real connection with someone...he stumbles and he's awkward, not quite knowing how to connect but trying, he has some real genuine moments with the guy he likes but they are often out of's a little sad in that way. Sad too how these people were forced to suppress themselves and hide bc of their sexuality (though I think all the orgies and hookups are unnecessary still...)...when you think about it, this story is pretty relateable to anyone. I don't mind exploring this stuff through gay romance, though I could do without all the nudity!! sob...This movie also looks GREAT, like really pretty, colors are vibrant and popping, great sounds too...but all of this is hidden behind some vague veil of "artistry" and symbolism, it's a bit of a difficult movie to parse, not much is outwardly said, and scenes like the trippy drug sequence bury it under metaphors and such even more. Perhaps it's because I'm a dumb zoomer but I think I prefer movies that are a bit more overt and not so difficult to understand on first viewing, and I think it's a bit pretentious to act like someone is dumb or uncultured because they don't understand what it means when a character looks into a minitiature house in their room that turns into a flashback/dream sequence of *them* being in the house and walking through a door, getting a gun and just shooting their old lover that happens to be there....errmm...yeah...just read between the lines bro!! Anyways, I don't know if I would recommend this movie but it's definitely well made and something I'll probably think about for a while...(because I watched a Youtube video explaining it).


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

This was better than I expected (at first thought it was some basic horror slop) but also worse (being an Oscar nominated film and on many people's best-of-the-year lists). First of all I guess the Count Orlock is pretty based ngl, tricking a guy into letting him steal his girl...He must've been fcking her while she was like UNDERAGE or something too damn...She's pretty freaky when you think about it...It's a pretty interesting story, even if the "logic" of it is a bit questionable...Like the guy just walks down to the coffin for no reason and opens it? And why did the Count have to be NAKED in there? sob...Some typical dumb horror movie protagonists basically. The acting was pretty top notch most of the time, with some crazy good scenes. The movie loses some more points for me tho cuz 1) the pacing is pretty slow, especially in the first half, you're just kind of waiting for stuff to happen and there's lots of long leading shots, I get that they want to build tension but it was a bit much imo and made the experience feel like a bit of a slog, and 2) that girl's forehead is SO HUGE wtf...she is just proudly displaying it the whole film, girl does not know any other styles...It also ends quite sad I guess bc a bunch of ppl die and it's like...okay...I guess we beat the evil but, that's it...a bit anti-climatic a little bit, he's really beaten with SEGGS...sob...I guess he really is truly relateable and realistic after all. ANYWAYS, overall this is pretty decent and def worth it if you like horror, though I wouldn't really call this scary, and if you have some patience too.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 3

Very slop movie. I cringed so much watching this. Awkward acting that's just filled with celebrities. The message comes across quite weirdly at times and a bit condesending, too on the nose. It feels like you're being talked down to and treated like a kid (maybe that's the intended audience but I know this film was heavily marketed to milennials too). I don't understand how this movie was so well received, to even have a scene considered "emotional"?? I think by the end it was okay, like we should all love and accept each other and that both genders face struggles, that there isn't a clear answer in regards to Patriarchy or Matriarchy. But yeah the dialogue is just way too cringe and bad. There's so many weird cultural references that are just going to get quickly dated. I will say, I think the set design is really good, the recreation of Barbie Land is pretty cool.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

I DRIVE. I ALSO PURSUE MARRIED WOMEN AND GET CUCKED FOR SOME REASON! Jokes aside, this is pretty good and it's sweet how nice Ryan Gosling is while also being a total badass.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 6

The big hit film of the end of 2024! I think this was pretty alright. I'm kind of out of my musical phase actually so I didn't care for the musical numbers too much, I actually thought some of them were a bit cringe. But there are ALSO some banger songs! I also loved the world of this music; the colors are great and there's lots of detail, and the little isms of this world add a bunch of charm to it. Oz seems like a cool place basically. The school is classic glamorization of university life (it is not actually that cool or fun). Elphaba and Galina were quite good in this, surprising how fun Ariana Grande was on screen. The movie does drag sometimes but it got more interesting near the end! Omg the leader is evil, can you believe it!! What I kinda dislike is everything felt very "woke"...definitely "color blind casting" and such going on, even with gay characters who weren't originally gay afaik. I mean it's FINE, not too much in your face but it does stick out a lot. The story behind the production of this movie is crazy too, the affairs...I also think the film goes on too long and could've been much shorter. Ahh I'm hungry so my brain is a bit foggy but basically if you are a musical fan then it's definitely worth it, if not then maybe not!!

edit: I'm lowering my score bc I do actually think this movie dumbs down a lot of things from the original (both musical and book) and I can't ignore how washed out everything is, and the weird way some of the charcaters are portrayed and framed (for example, focusing on Glinda/Ariana Grande way too much, making the opening number too happy and whimsical when it's supposed to be grim, etc).

13 Going on 30

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

Almost an NTR movie but they saved it at the end. "You can't go back in time" eermm but you can actually?? If you have magic dust?? A cute movie, very easy to watch and sweet, typical rom-com but still a good one. It's just strange because of the whole going forward in time thing and then going back - like did anything even matter...? I guess the lesson is be a good person and that popularity and whatnot doesn't matter, just be humble yeah...or something? I guess it's really not that deep. Nice music throughout tho!

The Substance

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

Good movie, made me pretty sad actually. Says a lot about the beauty industry, hollywood, our society and how we treat women/getting old in general...put a bit of existential dread in me but thats okay!! I just wish it worked out for her in the end, it's very sad the self-destruction that ends up happening...But I think overall it's a beautiful message that many people could relate to and you don't see much. So many metaphors and such that you could take from this film. The body horror is...interesting...there's definitely lots of gross scenes in this movie so careful if you're squeamish. But I think they're done pretty well and look impressive actually. Great performance from the main actress too and hope this movie wins something!! The story behind this movie and the people involved is pretty interesting too, you could look it up and it makes me want to root for it more! I'm glad it could get some recognition.

Brokeback Mountain

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

Really great movie...I was expecting hehe funny gay men but...despite the memes you see of it, it's pretty deep. Very emotional, tragic and sad...You want them to be happy so bad but they're stopping themselves from living the lives they really want (not that you can blame them too much, they're rightfully scared because of society punishing people like them). It's probably accurate to how a lot of people have felt, it isn't even exclusive to gay people - just being scared to go forward, go for what you want, that your life ends up passing you by...tragic for everyone involved really and I wish it ended a bit happier but oh well!! Some very sweet scenes and moments, also funny ones too, I'd say it was worth watching.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 10

Very good. Pretty much perfect movie. Christopher Nolan is goated ahhh!! This shit made me tear up!! That's rare for me you know, being the emotionally detached psyochopath that I am...haha. But seriously. It's a great sci-fi story filled with heart and love, great twists and superb soundtrack. Very touching scenes and message. Parents really do give up so much to persue what they love...This movie represents the best of humanity and you could probably send it to aliens as our magnum opus. Well maybe that's a bit exaggerated but still. Seriously I don't think there's any contention with this movie, anyone would love it.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

I liked this but it was pretty confusing a lot of the time. It's a drug trade, police type of movie...It has some very good scenes at the end tho that put everything into perspective. It's told in a pretty cool way, where our main character is pretty much just a bystander witnessing events, a pawn in the game...and you know, something something cycles of violence, themes of power and revenge...It's pretty good if you're into that stuff but not typically my cup of tea. A very chilling soundtrack though, and enis Villeneuve as director does do a good job all around.

The Martian

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 2

Boring Hollywood sloppa. Boring ass characters that don't fit my view of them in the novel. Missing key points from the novel that completely changes the stakes and vibes of the story. Boring cinematography with Shot A - Shot B where they just explain everything at you. Stupid yapping NASA "control room" scenes. Ugly Mars CGI, weird looking space suits. Changed the ending of the novel for, supposedly dumb DEI shit?? A definitive worse way to experience "The Martian", just go read the book, it is actually good and has stuff to say, rather than this simplified "spectacle" where it felt like nothing really mattered. But hey, at least I enjoyed seeing the differences from the novel, knowing what happens there, though I'm curious what you gather from it with fresh eyes, not knowing anything, I could see how it'd be much better received. But even so it's pretty lame imo. ALSO THIS MOVIE POSTER IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE WORST EVER, STOP MAKING THE ROCK FACE AT ME MATT DAMON...

Boogie Nights

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7.5

I was expecting more gayge stuff since the poster of this film has so many rainbows...Hmmm ooops! It was still good though hehe. I found this movie fascinating in many ways. More example, seeing how the cultural landscape was like in the 70s - everyone being crazy, porn theatres, serious "films" about seggs...well I knew about the disco at least. It made me wonder what happened for things to change - because once the movie moves to the 80s, you can see the almost sudden shift to a more conservative culture, for example where a character gets denied a loan because they work in the porn industry. There's some amazing scenes in this movie that reminds me of Quentin Tarantino films like Pulp Fiction, and there are also some gut punching emotional scenes, like when Dirk is leaving his family's home. While this movie is ABOUT porn, it is NOT porn, although there are seggs scenes and some naked women and such...but it's not too bad overall. I could handle it pretty okay, but if you're not comfortable with scenes like these then definitely don't watch this movie. Regardless, I think this movie is mostly a character study, but of several characters - there's actually a few interesting ones beside our main guy Dirk Diggler. Seeing his evolution is very fascinating and, well realistic I guess. It's like watching a burning car crash, you can't look away...I think this movie actually has some very good themes, most notably found family. The characters are made up of broken, desperate people that have been cast out by their own family, for whatever reason, leading them to where they are. And the main director guy (I forget his name sorry) keeps this found family together as the godlike father figure. And while I found the end a bit confusing at first (what really changed?), it's actually kind of sweet when you realize that Dirk is still accepted by this "family", it is his home and home is somewhere that you can always come back to, no matter what (even if you go on a coke fueled rampage). Everyone's working together and trying to make this life work, and that's kind of sweet and beautiful. I definitely think this is a good film, although some parts I feel go on too long and there's some uncomfy stuff, and the subject matter may not be enjoyable to everyone, but I'm glad I watched it! Great performances all around too!

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8

This was my first uhm "Wuxia" film (I think that's what it's called) - pretty interesting!! I didn't know this was also actually a fully Chinese film, from how much I heard of it I expected it to be American (not that it's a bad thing necessarily). This movie is so deep...even the action scenes have dialogue happening during them which are important. Speaking of, the action scenes are really cool! But also silly because they're flying around on cables and shit. The whole arc of the girl deciding to jump off the mountain at the end...I guess attain freedom, something she mentioned wanting at the very beginning, was pretty great...It's like teenage girl angst but this one is involved with Kung Fu fighters and master betrayals and all of that. Honestly just very solid all around, a great epic tale...It was a little hard for me to follow at times, there's a lot of Chinese elements to this film that may not translate too well for a Western audience, and it was a bit hard for me to keep track of things...but still, very good, I think most people would like it!

A Complete Unkown

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

One of Hollywood's latest biopic in the recent trend of spamming biopics. I watched this mainly for Timothee Chalamet as I didn't know who Bob Dylan was. There's a lot of great aspects to this movie; the music, the costumes/depiction of the world at the time (basically looks very accurate to real 60s)...performances are pretty good too. I think it's pretty impressive that all the music was actually done by the actors. But some things were weird about this movie. It moves pretty fast, to the point I got whiplash at times - progressing through Bob Dylan's life without fully explaining things (HOW he first got signed, the transitionto becoming popular, the decision to go electric). And I sometimes wondered what was the point - we're seeing events in this guys life, but what's the purpose? It ends on a bit of a weird note and I'm not sure what we're meant to take away from it. It feels awkward making a movie like this while the guy it's about is still alive - because how do you end it then? Not to mention the movie uses the classic "white text on black background" thing to convey what happened to all the characters after - making me feel like I'm watching more of a glorified wikipedia article than an actual movie. While the music was great in the film, sometimes it felt like just watching a music video as the camera cuts to shots of background characters that aren't relevant at all the scene so we can see their reaction, as if it actually matters or its saying something. Just a bit of a personal annoyance for me, wondering what the heck am I taking out of this. But yeah, the lyrics are good I guess Bob Dylan is a great writer - though much like the title of the movie implies, we don't ACTUALLY learn too much about him. He mumbles about not wanting to talk about his past and okay, that's it I guess, he cheats on women too and acts strangely - and he gets away with it cuz his music is just that good. I get that it's not exactly trying to paint him in a good light, but I'm not sure what I learned here that was really of value. Anyways...despite all that ripping I think it was still an entertaining movie and if you're a boomer, you'll probably like it!! It's more so just a fun movie than anything too serious.

Eyes Wide Shut

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 9

Very interesting film. I didn't expect it to be so sexual (which I'm not really so comfortable with, but you get used to it I guess) NOR so...erm...NTR-like...Nevertheless, it's a pretty gripping film. Great soundtrack, shots, setpieces...It is insane what happens, I was expecting a more overt answer on what was going on, but I suppose it wouldn't be too fun if everything was just spelled out. It's still pretty entertaining, chilling, and leaves you wondering and thinking. We really live in a society huh...There's lots of analysis that could be done on what's going on and I've seen some interesting theories, and the real life story behind this movie is cool actually - the director died shortly after this movie, which is pretty spooky. Maybe he got assassinated for trying to call out Hollywood child seggs cults...hmmm...who knows!! It's really eerie to think that parts of this movie are missing, and we'll never know what they were...I find it funny how all these Kubrik movies have tons and tons of theories - he's a cryptic director I guess. Anyways, some people may disagree with this score - I know the PEOPLE in this film are pretty horrible, but that doesn't affect my enjoyment tbh, if anything I enjoy seeing the "chaos" and crazy characters. ALSO I picked this to watch because it is supposedly a Christmas movie...which is kinda true...but it's so messed up as one haha.

Harry Potter Films

  • Status: In Progress
  • Rating: 8

Rating them as whole otherwise I would have to list down a bunch of movies. Honestly, I don't have much to say really, they are comfy and nostalgic. I've loved Harry Potter since I was a kid!! These movies do such a great job of capturing and magic and vibes of the world and has semented itself as THE definitive canon of characters, they will always look and act like how they are here. Great actors and performances all around, it must have been great to watch the movies as you're growing up alongside the actors. The source material honestly isn't the best so the movies can't really be blamed for some things, I think they did a good job adapting them. So far I think Prisoner of Azkaban is the best!! Seeing the Harry Potter cast and world expand with each movie is a delight so I look forward to re-watching the rest as well.

Bad Santa

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

This movie is absolutely INSANE...It's classic 2000s adult humour so tons of offensive, obscene stuff. Some of it is funny, some of it not, but the pure shock value at least makes it interesting enough to watch once. Plus, it has a bit of a sweet message at the end. Seeing the (kind of) "redemption" of this horrible guy is pretty nice as he gets saved by this dorky kid. It's a cute dynamic and you really want the kid to be happy. They even get a little "mom" figure in their family too! For Christmas time, I think this is a pretty decent movie so go watch it!!


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

A spooky, digital horror Japanese film! This film is a bit hard to make sense of at first...honestly all of it is pretty confusing, I'm still not really sure what everything means. But the vibes are great! It's basically about ghosts, though we're left to wonder if they even exist at all with one of the characters adamently denying them. It gives big Serial Experiments Lain vibes too - are we really connected with the Internet, or is it just making us further apart...the grad student experiment with the particles where "if they get close they die, but if they get too far they die as well" seems like it spells out what happens in this movie - people who are lonely just end up offing themselves..."it's so easy to hang yourself"...I think it says a lot about our society. It's not really a scary movie, it doesn't have jumpscares or anything, the horror is this curse that might follow you...and take you all of a sudden...I want to look into this movie more to see what it all really means, but even without fully understanding it's very interesting and really pulls you in with its eerieness.

Batman Returns

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

I liked this more than I thought I would! It's a cheesy 90s Batman movie, centered around the Penguin. The Penguin is lowkey so based...but also kind of disgusting...there's lots of funny and ridiculous lines and scenes here, it feels so campy and overtop. It kind of goes into that "so bad it's good" territory I guess? I think Batman was kind of the "weak" point tbh, I'm not a big fan of *this* Batman and don't think he really does anything interesting or cool enough, but he's serviceable. This movie has a "le hecking deep" kind of message too...which is kind of neat haha. I watched this as a Christmas movie and it DOES have Christmas elements in it! But more like it just takes place during then. Also if you like mentally deranged women then this movie would be good I guess, Catwoman is absolutely INSANE...honestly her outfit freaks me out and looks pretty gross so uh good luck with that!!

Kill Bill (1&2)

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 9

Very awesome!! I didn't know this was Tarantino when I first watched but well I saw quickly that it was and it definitely is his style. I'm reviewing these together, they were meant to be one movie anyways. I heard a lot about these movies growing up but had no idea really what they were like. There's so many iconic scenes, sounds...I get it now...these movies are extremely well made in pretty much every department, it does have its silly moments and sometimes it goes on too long, but that's okay. I'm not normally a fan of action movies but the whole setting of getting revenge and the non-linear plot made it so much more interesting to me, and the Bride is so badass too. Despite being a hag Uma Thurman can GET IT if you know what I mean...haha...But yeah definitely cool movies, cool story and character arc and the set pieces are really nice as well, smart use of the environments you know!! Bit too much feet tho. I think I liked part 1 slightly more for it's mystery, but the reveals in 2 were good as well and we got to take out much more ppl in it. I am just so impressed by these movies!

Jurassic Park

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

A pretty cool movie, it's entertaining but ofc there are quite a few scenes where the characters just seem really dumb - personally I couldn't help thinking that the whole plan of the old guy was convoluted and he could have easily made the park safer and better. I think it has a good message tho of respecting science and our history - plus it has epic dinosaurs!! The tech for this movie also seems really impressive since they apparently didn't do any CGI. It also has some veerry good music, like that iconic track when they first see the cool...I don't feel any nostalgia for it tho sadly since it's the first time I watched it.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

A very fun and "stylish" movie! Not quite what I was expecting, but it was easier to digest too than I thought (given the Director's other works I've seen). It's very pleasing to look at with bright colors, cool setpieces and sequences. It's funny too in pretty clever ways, certainly it's own sense of humour...I'm sure it would be fun on a rewatch to catch all the details. Not much else for me to say really, just very solid, it didn't quite resonate with me too much so I don't have much to say, it is just cool and silly and I will do my best to remember it!

A Quiet Place

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

I liked it, even if it feels like there's so many big plot holes and questionable moments. The characters aren't exactly too likeable either, we barely see much of what they're like other than the rebellious grumpy teens. But, it is just enjoyable, you kind of have to accept the dumb stuff about it tho. The worldbuilding and lore is suuuuper interesting and I think they did a good job at drip feeding info, it's nice when there isn't huge exposition dumps. It is also just a really interesting concept for a movie in general - what if the characters cant talk? It's a whole medium dependent on people talking, you could argue, so I'm sure it was interesting to think of how to make a movie I like that. Basically, I like that it's different, even if it inspired a bunch of garbage probably. I also think it's really fun to think of how YOU would handle such a despite the questionable plot, I think this movie does a great job in making you care about it's world, and I'm even interested in what the sequels are like!!

Ju-On: The Grudge

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

A classic Japanese horror film. I think it has a reputation for being very scary, but tbh I didn't feel that during the movie. It is creepy for sure, a bit disturbing and spooky maybe. But if you're new to horror it might still be scary to you. However there isn't anything like jumpscares or intense scenes. It is kind of a slow burn film, with very deliberate acting. They take their time basically. It is also told non-linearly and jumps between characters, which is interesting and not too hard to keep track of. I thought the acting overall was quite good, and it has some cool spooky shots too, some "blink and you miss it" moments. The soundtrack is very subtle but effective, the classic Grudge, uhm grunting? is very cool. The story itself is cool too, I love Japanese folklore. The fact that people can curse each other and cause spooky things to happen...Although it's a pretty simple story at the end of the day; woman curses house, people go there and get cursed and die, and then they curse whoever they have a "GRUDGE" against (haha get it). The "Grudge" monsters themselves tho are a little lame, just pale skinned and silent and they walk slowly, I DO wish they were a bit more threatening and scary, although it is still freaky if they grab you from behind. Anyways, the story has some cool metaphorical meanings as well, as it basically demonstrates cycles of violence and abuse, how it passes from one person to another. It is a bit bleak because there is no "solution" to this presented, we know it exists but, what can you do about it? Just avoid the "violent" people? Or just take the "violence" without feeling a grudge, so the curse doesn't prepetuate? I don't really like those answers, but it's cool enough that the movie tries to be deep at all and at the end of the day it's just a fun horror thing. Idk if there's any sequels that explore this but yeah. Overall it's a cool movie and maybe worth seeing just for the classic cult status it has.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 6.5

So this is an interesting little film. It is apparently the director's first film (I forget their name sorry), and people seem to love him or hate him. Kind of infamous for "ruining" Star Wars with the recent sequels. Anyways, I thought this movie was fine enough. It stars Joseph Gordon Levitt, which I know from 500 Days of Summer (one of my fav movies) and Inception, and I liked him in both. He has a very recognizable face but I think he stood on his own here, anyways I mention him because that's what kinda got me interested in the movie. This film is supposedly a "neo-noir" mystery film but with the catch that it all stars high schoolers. It is highly ironic and "comedic" in a way, with the comedy just being the sheer juxtaposition of high school kids participating in such adult topics like gangs, drug deals, etc etc. It replaces the typical stuff in these crime drama films with high school equivalents, such as the police for the vice principle. It's a bit ridiculous in the end when someone gets outed for storing fcking cocaine bricks in their school locker. The movie is I think much more entertaining because of this ridiculous juxtaposition and makes the genre a bit more understandable for someone like me, who would get way lost with normal crime dramas (although I still felt plenty lost at times here, which I think is just cuz of how unfamiliar I am). Nevertheless it was still an entertaining film, but it goes on pretty long and the characters honestly come off as pretty horrible people...well I guess that is the point. I don't think I would really recommend this though unless you are really into crime and mystery, it feels like a bit too much to be introduced to right away. There are really great performances and shots here though and probably is cool on a rewatch, when you can catch things easier.

The Vanishing

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 9.5

This movie is absolutely terrifying, though you don't really realize it until the end, but even at the start of the film it's very unsettling. You're holding your breath with what's about to happen. It's told in a non linear fashion as well and is truly a fascinating look at a sociopath, and shows the kind of person that could really exist in real life. It's intense and gripping. Honestly I don't really have much to say about this movie's just good. Oh, I will mention it's a forgeign film, mix of Dutch and French. I just found that fun cuz I was able to "practice" my French a bit (kind of a messed up movie to do that with though). The pacing is really great in this too. I think it might be a new favourite for me. I felt so shaken and disturbed by the ending which doesn't happen often, a true "horror" film without relying on anything like jumpscares or monsters or typical "creepy" things. It is also a bit of a mystery I guess though kind of "obvious", but seeing it unravel is...terrifying too. I wish I had more to say about this...The locations were beautfiul, acting great, good soundtrack. I think it could have been maybe a bit tighter, but...okay I'm just rambling now GO WATCH THIS!! NOT THE AMERICAN REMAKE OKAY!!

The Social Network

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7.5

I thought it was good, I can definitely see how it's so well liked but personally I wasn't that into it and felt a bit disappointed (maybe its just my high expectations tho). It felt pretty predictable, just hitting the expected story beats. The acting was pretty good but again, pretty's not really hard to play college students I guess. Zuckerberg was pretty unlikeable throughout and definitely comes off as a pretentious asshole just trying to get ahead of everyone and tries desperately to be cool. I don't really like people like that :( It was interesting though, seeing the story of Facebook, but the point was more about the characters - Facebook itself is outdated by now. I feel as a "biography" it's a bit harder for me to care about the characters too, since they're real people it feels like I'm just watching a re-telling of what happened and not an enclosed story that only exists in that space. If that makes sense? Idk but yeah, I do think it is a "good movie" and probably worth a watch as the themes still remain relevant to this day. It just all kinda felt like it didn't really...matter in the end? What did it amount to? It's a bit anticlimatic to wrap up key arcs in the movie with just small subtitles on screen. Also god I hate college...

The Lion King

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 9

What can I say, this is a classic Disney movie. One of the best. I've seen it a lot already so it's not really anything special to me, but there's still some sick moments and it's really cute!! Not one of my favourites or anything but yeah it's good, I don't really have much to say. BTW, this movie was animated by furries :) and they had that secret seggs message in the clouds hehe. The story behind this movie is pretty fascinating btw, it was one of Disney's "side projects" at the time, they didn't have much hope in it. But it ended up being one of their best performing movies of all time.

Fight Club

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 9

So I finally watched this cult classic film...I'm sure this film has been analyzed to death. I'm surprised I avoided much about this movie for a long time, although I did happen to read a spoiler somewhere in twitter comments (maybe I should get off twitter) that just stuck in my head and I couldn't forget. That spoiled the main twist of the film, which is kind of a bummer, but it was pretty enjoyable still. Despite being a long movie, it is fast paced and there is a lot to process, a lot hidden in the background and it barely gives you time to think about what happened before it moves on. But I think it is pretty brilliantly crafted. I thought it would focus on, idk boxing stuff from the beginning given the name but, it's really not about that, or "fighting" at all really? I thought the movie would be more boyish...and well while it's definitely boy coded, it kept my attention throughout. It is just simply so interesting and as the pieces of the puzzle reveal themselves, it's satisfying to see how it all fits together. This movie is truly crazy and schizophrenic but lots of fun. Brad Pitt was also so cool and entertaining in this, steals the show probably...He's a classic "I can fix him" character but NO he cannot be fixed!! Anyways...I have a little gripe with the ending as THAT felt a little rushed and didn't make too much sense to me but that's okay I guess, I'll just accept it. Screw corporations, capitalism, materialism, consumerism...I think the film has a good message about doing what you ACTUALLY want, and that you don't need useless crap in your life. But also that uh sleep issues are a real problem and should be taken seriously!! And how easy it is to start a cult. Also is it just me who finds it a bit ironic when these hollywood actors are the ones making speeches about how society has taught us that we can all grow up to be cool actors but we don't...? But yeah I'll just accept it thanks movie!! It's the kind of thing you want to rewatch I think so I'll look forward to it again in some years~

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8

I liked it! This is another slasher movie but I think it's better than the previous one. While there isn't much shown here either, the implications of the violence are much more brutal and are scary itself. The family is crazy and fun to watch but, also again quite scary if you think about it. There's some deeper themes here like brutality agaisnt animals (apparently some people become vegan after watching this movie), cycles of violence and abuse, familial trauma, etc. A fascinating movie with a satisfying ending. The characters aren't too annoying and their decisions don't come off as dumb enough to make you hate them. The performances are pretty good too (though all the screaming is pretty funny) and it has a great opening sequence. While I wasn't scared of the movie while watching, the premise is pretty horrifying and definitely makes me not wanna go to Texas haha.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 6.5

Alright I know this rating may look a bit low. But that doesn't mean I didn't still enjoy this movie. I just have to be honest! This movie has a very interesting premise, and a good setup. I like the little "mystery" of who michael is, what is he going to do...Briefly seeing what he is capable of. But, imo they don't show enough. The movie drags a bit with teenage antics and drama, when really it doesn't matter, and I don't care too much to begin with. I wished many times it would just hurry along or get to the point. Still though it does feel suspensful and has good atmosphere, and seeing the main character go schizo with seeing michael was fun. When we finally get to michael's apperance and the killing starts, it is a bit underwhelming. We don't see much of the kills, and they look pretty simple (strangling, knife stab). Some of the logic is strange too, like how michael got into someone's car for example. There are all these implications that he is special, has powers or whatever perhaps, but it is not at all clear and I feel it would make him SCARIER if it was explicitly stated or showed somehow rather than feeling like it's some movie error or they were lazy, similar to how we doesn't even run after people and just briskly walks. Knowing some kind of motive - like why is he targeting THESE teenagers - would've been nice too. The teenagers themselves are ofc a bit dumb and walk right into his traps, but that is to be expected I guess for this kind of movie. The end sequences of the main character vs michael was fun, but some moments were hard to believe - like her just leaving the knife on the ground several times, or thinking she would be safe locked into a closet. Still though, she somehow managers to take him out several times. The ending however was very anticlimatic. The psychiatrist shoots him a bunch, and then he mysteriously disppears, and that's it. It doesn't feel like there's any resolution, like they forgot to write an ending, and made me feel quite disappointed. Speaking of the psychiatrist, he was a cool character and I liked his view on things, but it was funny how he didn't want to evacuate people or anything and told the cops to just lay low. Overall, I can understand how this movie was a trendsetter and defined the genre of slasher movies, but I don't think it aged quite too well and these tropes just feel washed out from a modern viewer like myself. I didn't enjoy either that it felt like there was no "point" here. There is not really a way to analyize this movie deeper. So, if you enjoy mindless fun, then go for it, but you might also find it too shallow.

Hocus Pocus

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8

This was a really fun movie! I enjoyed it a lot, despite the rating I'm giving; I do have to admit it's not the most deep or high budget/quality film or anything. It's still a Disney channel movie at the end of the day. Despite the Disney brand, don't be fooled, this isn't just some kids movie! It actually has some "serious" stuff happen in it, not to mention all the words that they use...There's a poor kid who gets roasted for being a virgin for the whole movie! haha like whhyy did they have to include that sob. Anyways, yeah the movie itself is very decent but fun. The witches are pure camp, charismatic and fun to watch. Whenever they're on screen are the best parts of the movie. The blonde one in particular...broooo she is a baddie!! ahhhh. This movie brings fun Halloween vibes, as it is set on Halloween, so I think if you haven't seen this movie before it is at least worth a shot once. I have a bit of a soft spot and nostalgic feeling for these "family friendly movies", I find them very comfy sometimes - but if you HATE that style, maybe stay away. But it is funny sometimes and I think it holds up well. The witches are iconic and honestly carry this movie, there's a sweet little end to it too. Won't be touching the sequel tho.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

I think this movie was pretty good and I'm happy giving it an 8! So, I've been hearing about this movie for a long time, lots of praise for it. I've been wanting to watch it for a while and finally did it with you! I didn't realize how old it was though. 1977 is pretty old for a movie and I usually only go into the 80s or 90s. Anyways, I think it holds up really well. There's some obvious signs of aging like weird CG/Green screen but it is done in such a soulful way that it doesn't come off as "ugly" or tacky and more like charming, like you can tell this movie was filmed ona budget but they still did their best. The films pace is pretty good, though a bit jarring sometimes. The beginning part is very fast although you get used to it and they repeat a lot of the information so it isn't a big deal, but then there are parts in the middle where it's pretty slow as some music plays and the character's sit around for a bit. The story of the movie is pretty funny and entertaining, with an evil cat and old lady eating up young girls to be young again, but a bit of a sad backstory as the old lady is simply waiting for her fiancee to return from the war. But it's basically the vibes of classic Japanese horror with cursed houses and spirits and whatnots. Now you might think this is a horror movie, but it's really more of a comedy. Sure there are horror elements but no jumpscares, nothing really trying to scare you. The characters themselves get quite scared but that's to be expected with what's happening to them...The movie has probably leaned more towards comedy as it has aged due to the strange fast paced editing (there's some seriously crazy scenes) and old CG. Maybe an older audience would have thought it was more scary? Anyways, overall the movie is pretty delightful. It's like a funny spooky haunted house with crazy things happening, characters do die but it's in pretty comedic ways. The characters themselves are cute and charming and idk I just really loved the way they speaked. There isn't really a happy ending, I guess the old lady is happy? The curse isn't solved or anything, it's simply a tale of this house and the person behind it. I guess it's all about love in the end?

TLDR I think this movie is a must watch for Halloween!! Or any time really! It's a pretty easy watch, funny and charming and interesting and I'm sure it's inspired a lot of other media as well. I could definitely see myself rewatching this and it had my attention pretty thoroughly! Absolute cinema!!


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8

I liked this movie! But, it is quite a slow burn. It runs at 2hrs and 30mins...which I did not expect going into it. Maybe because I knew this, the beginning parts of the movie felt extra long and "boring". Not that it was boring necessarily, I understand a lot of it is necessary world and character building. But it is still quite a slow pace and I don't always have the patience for that kind of movie. But, at least this one is set in the interesting Alien universe, so it's never too boring. I always like sci-fi and I think it's really interesting seeing how the future developed - although for being far in the future, nothing much is different really. They can fly spaceships and make space colonys but...that's about it. ANYWAYS I don't want to ramble so, the movie got much more engaging once it got into the Alien encounters and everyone was bunkering inside that ship/building/whatever it was. Great performances all around really, tense and exciting atmosphere. Mind blowing once you realize just HOW many xenomorphs there feels very hopeless but somehow the characters manage to survive (well at least more than 1 survived this time). I definitely feel it's a little formulaic as it kinda follows the pattern of the first movie, but the setting is different and we're with military guys now. So it feels different enough. The bond between Ripley and Newt was very sweet too and I was rooting for them, although Newt's acting felt a little stiff sometimes. Loved the sequences at the end with the queen xenomorph, how it was mom vs mom...and the forklift thing...! I don't wanna spoil too much but yeah. Just very cool. Feels almost like a Resident Evil sequence, needing to escape the facility in a time limit before it explodes and then face some abomination as the final boss. heh. Anyways yeah very good movie just a bit slow for me sometimes personally.

The Exorcist

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 9.5

Alright I love this movie. It's a bit rare that I feel so captivated that I want to go watch several video essays about a movie, but it happened with this one. Despite the kind of long runtime, it was very well paced and I was paying attention the whole time. The movie just sucks you in, draws you in and makes you fascinated about what's happening. It interweaves three characters stories very well. The opening scene is chilling and haunting with how quiet yet powerful it is, giving you the sense of some ancient evil, that something bad is going to happen. The transformation of the girl into becoming possessed was fascinating to see. There's so many subtle metaphors and meanings you can derive from what this film shows...some things feel like plotholes or unexplained mysteries but those are also entirely intentional so that it's left up to the viewer to decide, it has a meaning itself as to why it's not shown. All of the effects here are very well done too, they aged very well and while it was nothing to make me scared, it was still fun to look at. And I think this movie has a very deep and moving message about faith and belief in God, even if you don't look at it from a religious standpoint, seeing how unfair the world is, and yet we continue anyways and believe in the good, making up for past mistakes, trying to find connection in each other...It is a thoroughly enjoyable and captivating film, I find this occult stuff very interesting and it reminds me why I love the horror genre. I don't like being scared necessarily but seeing the unknown...these things are often used to explore aspects of humanity that'd be too difficult to explore otherwise. It made me want to watch the other exorcist movies, or movies like this, but sadly it seems the genre peaked as a whole with this one.

Pan's Labyrinth

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8

I liked this movie but it was not quite what I expected. I didn't think it'd be in Spanish (I thought I got some sus copy) but it is actually a legit foreign film. The film is a lot darker in tone than what I was expected. I saw this movie recommended for halloween/spooky films so I thought it would be more whimsical/have spooky related things. But it doesn't really. The fantasy aspects are quite loose and it's mostly a WW2 film basically? There's some war going on in any case. I did enjoy the story and the main bad guy was pretty entertaining to watch. There were many tragic things that happened which felt quite sad, but I enjoyed seeing the progression I guess? It really feels like an old school fairytale where everything goes wrong for the innocent protagonist and it all ends up "okay" in the end in some roundabout fucked up way. Still though...not really halloween related! There a couple interesting creatures, I did enjoy them and the white one with the eyes was sooo cool looking (even if Ofelia was stupid there!). Anyways yeah ahh I feel like I am rambling, it's just a cool movie with good characters in a brutal setting, but justice does win in the end so yay! The ending is ambigious though ofc about if it actually worked out for the girl...we don't know if it was all real or fake, but I guess if we're going with the fairytale perspective then it should all be real! And the girl's soul went to some amazing magical kingdom! I never really got bored watching this so there's that too. I could see myself watching it again so I could pick up on more details and enjoy the setting more. Yeah Del Toro is pretty neat huh!!


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

A very comfy movie...I never watched this when I was a kid but I think I would've liked it. It's nice and whimsical and I like the practical effects. It's not too cringe either, like the lines are pretty funny still. Yeah I think it aged well! I looove the grandma she is so chill and sweet and cool and girlboss...Being a Witch seems cool but also their powers are kinda not explored much so they seem a little lame too. I would love to live in Halloweentown...Anyways I don't really have much to say about this movie, it's just comfy and cool and a nice vibe. Like it's okay that the plot is very predictable because it goes by so quickly and you can just enjoy the ride. Though it's not some masterpiece of course, it's pretty shallow, and probably not as enjoyable when it's not spooky season.

Limitless (2011)

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

Pretty entertaining movie, though I have some issues with it...For the most part, this movie is pretty interesting, well paced, and overall just fun. There's quite a few plot holes though that when you think about them, make all the events seem dumb and unlikely (even considering that the scenario ITSELF is so unlikely, since no such drug exists). Like, why didn't anyone else on the drug manufacture more supply for themselves? Why killer the (supposed) only dealer of the drug when he's the only one with connections to get more? Why was he such an asshole in introducing this drug to Eddie when he knows it fucked up his sister? How does Eddie have a seemingly unendless supply when the batch he stole wasn't THAT big to begin with? But even if you put these aside. The most cringe thing about this movie is the ending. It just washes everything clean; no consequences, no fuck ups, he got the perfect life he wanted (we never found out what was his REAL goal btw, why he needed so much money). It gives me American Psycho vibes where young guys probably just idolize this main protagonist as some gigachad who's just better than everyone else. The guy who was supposed to keep him in check, the rich boomer, just gets completely fucked too and it's just sad and cringe to see. Like he really got away with everything huh? Why is the girl still with him when she disliked his changes? He's now permanently changed his brain apparently. I understand that this movie is trying to be anti-drug; we see all the fucked up consequences like the brain fog, the reliance, the gangs who try to kill you...and yet it still feels like a pro-drug movie for the average consumer. Because we ALSO see all the exciting and positive consequences! Look how great this drug is, look how much he does with it, how powerful it is...He couldn't get out of his rut by himself, he was useless without the drugs, he NEEDED see? So while the intent may have been good, the execution is just that it makes this shit look APPEALING...Not that there's a real world counterpart, but you get my point right? Overall this movie feels like a huge power trip and fantasy, like "maybe I too could become as powerful and successful if I could just fix my brain"...I'm not a huge fan of these types of movies but it was fun to watch at least and not TOO brain rot-y, it is actually interesting to think about.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

Pretty GOOD! Boomer movies deliver once again...Ferris is such a SHTITER but honestly I can't hate he pulls shit off so well, everyone likes him, he's got good intentions...he's a "good guy" I think, although it can be argued that the whole "day" in this movie is pretty selfish in regards to his friend, who didn't want to be involved initially. He drags his friend out and ultimately causes him a lot of trouble when the dad's car gets destroyed, which could have ramifications on his future. But I think the point of the movie is that you shouldn't spend your whole day worrying about your future, but enjoying the present and what you have right now instead. There was a lot of development for the friend over the movie (his name escape me rn tho) and that was fun to see. I'm sure there's many people like that who have no confidence and feel stiffled by their parent's expectations and worries about what you're going to do in college/even after college. It really sucks what we force the youth into and I think it's overall a good message, that time will fly before you know it so you should make the most of what you have now, and do what you really want to do, as well as owning up for our mistakes and standing up for ourselves against bullies (not just literal bullies, but those who are holding us back as well). I was expecting this to be more of a comedy movie, and while it is, it has some actual story to it too, and flows well. Like, everything makes sense! And I think it all aged pretty well. The only thing confusing for me was how the phones worked but it seems that was confusing even at the time. This movie's use of 4th wall breaks was probably revolutionary at the time, but these days it comes off a bit cringe...but it's okay because it doesn't happen too often. Anyways, the whole film is really well paced and enjoyable to watch. A diversity of scenes that are great and looks great too, I love these old movies for using actual environments and props. Not sure what else to say about this movie...certain parts are cringe I guess and drag a seemed a bit unbelievable that they could do ALL THAT within the same of a school day (8am-2pm or something, 5pm if we account for adult work time) but it's easy enough to suspend my disbelief. YEAH it's good you should watch it!! Don't worry about the score I'm not sure how to rate a movie like this's not quite up there with my absolute favourites.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

It's an okay movie! I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it, but it's a pretty easy and entertaining watch. It's not quite a musical like earlier Disney films from this era (kind of an end of the era tbh), just music played over some montages. Which personally I'm not a HUGE fan of but the tracks were still pretty good. The animation was AMAZING here though, the movement and facial expressions are so fluid and detailed! I miss 2D animation like this. The actual plot is probably where it loses some points for me, it's just...whatever I guess. Hits the proper points but I was questioning so much the logistics of some human growing up with monkeys haha. A bit hard to suspend my disbelief sometimes buuut let's not get into that okay! We don't need to discuss the sexual ramifications of all of this! But I think immersion is pretty important for a movie to feel good and maybe I'm just overly autistic about this stuff but I didn't really feel it here. I did like Jane though, she is very charming and cute and the scenes with her were always good! I'm glad they got together in the end, even if it's a bit unbelievable that some posh British girl would leave everything behind to live in a jungle monkey society with one guy BUT whatever!! (okay but seriously is it actually a happy ending? Their lineage is going to die because there's no other humans to propagate with. They may have kids but what then? Some Adam/Eve/Cain/Abel's just a doomed society). I can see why people like this movie from their childhoods, it's pretty boy coded. TBH I think it's a matter of apes = cool for kids haha. It's got some good messages though I guess, like respecting animals...following your heart...can't think of anything else tbh. Overall the movie holds up well but I don't think it can compare to other Disney classics and is kind of just okay in comparison, but as animated movie is still good. Nothing annoying in it at least.

Pulp Fiction

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7.5

Good movie, pretty long though...But I liked the characters and the plotlines were pretty funny. For this kind of movie, I don't really have much to say about it. It doesn't exactly appeal to my exact sensibilities but I can tell that it's just well made in pretty much every department (acting, camera work, music, script). There was some weird stuff though, like the potbelly rant somewhere in the middle...felt like a "writer's disguised fetish" moment. Oh and I still don't really understand what the title of the movie means. I'm not sure what is really the point (lots of droning dialogue) but it was fun at least! The more I think about this though, it feels like, yeah it's well put together and all of that and has some cool scenes but what is it all for? Like Mia Wallace was cool but she's just gone after her little story of overdosing...there's no expansion on that. it's like 3 little movies in one but feels emptier as a single movie as a result I think.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7.5

Watched this one on my own. It's from the same director as Call Be By Your Name so I had good hopes for it...and Zendaya from Dune as well! :) Overall it's a cool movie. The soundtrack, pacing, acting is all really great. The way the story is told with events out of order really enhances the experience I feel. It's a movie about tennis but even if you know nothing about tennis it's really enjoyable!! And it's made me curious about it actually. I think it's a great movie EXCEPT for some weird moral quandries I have...The main girl that Zendaya plays, she kind of feels like...a bad person to me? I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to feel about her by the end. But there is some real c*ck shit going on in this movie so be warned about that.

A Room with a View

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 6.5

I liked this movie overall but it was quite a bit slow. Everything surrounding the actual plot was quite - the music, the wardrobe, the's a beautiful film to look at and admire at least. I love these older movies that use real locations, and I cannot stress enough that the outfits were sooo good!! The setting of their home in England was so comfy. The romance came a little quickly...I'm not too sure why the two love interests liked each other and even went so far as love when they've barely spoken buuut I guess that is how things are, unfortunateley George did not come off to me as much more than a pretty face who's a little emo...regardless though he was pretty chad I guess for just going for those kisses!! It was a bit hard to follow the movie at first, not knowing any of the characters or being familiar with the time period/what's going on. This movie probably gets better on a 2nd watch knowing all the context. And yeah I would say too the pacing is a bit off as there are quite a few...boring scenes I guess I would say, people meandering about...not to mention the many minutes long scene of those guys going in the lake naked!! Playing around with each other fully naked!! I was not prepared for that, good for them I guess for being so bold to have nudity but personally it's not something I want to see uuu!! I kept thinking it would end but it just kept going and going...Also, the ending of the movie itself was a bit anticlimatic as we go from Lucy realizing she loves him, straight to oh they're together now on vacation...Another scene between them confessing their feelings for each other or something would've been good I think. But I do think the movie was quite clever at times too, presenting different scenes with those title cards, and the downfall of Cecil was...funny I guess haha. He's a good enough guy at least just autistic probably. Anyways, still a comfy movie and probably a romance worth watching if you're into that.

Point Break

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 5

I had kind of high expectations of this movie, being a Keanu Reeves film (and some other famous ppl in there ig), I expected some base level of quaity pretty much. And it was GOOD in some ways at least - acting, cinematography, sound, all very solid and some solid action scenes too. But I think the story itself just, kinda sucks? First of all this FBI agent is TERRIBLE at opsec!! You think they'd be better and at least not use their real name when they're going undercover!! The whole thing just feels so convenient too. Really, linking everything to surfing? And he has to join the surfers to sniff out who is the robber group? Meanwhile his partner is just chilling by the side the whole time not doing anything lol. The contrivencies and plot holes kinda get worse as the film goes on; why didn't Johnny shoot the guy during the bank chase? He would have avoided all the problems later on if he did, he didn't seem like he was THAT gay for the guy...and then getting all these people killed and failing at his mission just to save his girlfriend (who he kinda barely knows at this point) - while I understand that sentiment it's like he doesn't even try to resist these people he just completely goes along with it. And then at the seemed like he liked his job but he threw away his badge. I guess he didn't really? Wants to be free now or something? He also allows an international criminal to go kill himself instead of handing him over to the authorities. I'm not sure if these are really "plot holes" but just hard to take seriously and makes me wonder, okay what was the point, was it okay for him to rob all those banks because in the end he still got what he wanted, the ultimate wave or whatever...idk!! I will say though there are some very cool shots in this, real surfing and skydiving which was just beautiful to see, these days that would all be cgi and greenscreens and whatnot, so I appreciate these older movies a lot for that.

Interview with the Vampire

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8

I really liked this movie honestly. I love vampires, but I thought this would be more...traditional gothic vampire type stuff. Which it kinda IS buuut it has plenty of...suggestive uwu seggsy blush stuff too!! Honestly great dynamic with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise's characters...I just loved watching them and it was so interesting every time. The subtle queerness of it all, I'm surprised it was so "open" back then...When they get the daughter too, really made things interesting and the eternal daughter wife dynamic she had with Brad Pitt was uhm....let's say I could easily self insert myself :) I enjoyed it!! This movie gets you really thinking about the consequences of immortality, what it would really be like to be a vampire. Which ofc isn't so glamorous really. It's a painful existence yet we still glamorize and look up at them so much. The ending had a pretty good..."twist" too! I would say my gripes with the movie is that there are some, ig plotholes or things that don't make too much sense. Like how Tom Cruise survived the whole time, how the Vampire family never made anyone suspicious despite staying in the same town for years and years without their daughter aging, also the pacing was a bit slow at the start and took a while to really hook me in. But yeah, it's a good movie and worth a watch I think especially if you like vampires!

But I'm a Cheerleader

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

Watched this with the community for heckin gay month!! I actually liked this movie. It's a very sincere film. You can tell it's low budget but still quite well made with what it's got, and it takes some traumatic like gay conversion therapy and turns it into a light hearted comedy (which still has serious moments tho, without making fun of the whole thing), and delivers on a happy ending when the genre is known for tragedy. Even without thinking too deep about it, it was just an enjoyable time. Lots of funny and quotable moments. And the premise itself is so ridiculous and fun but makes you curious to see where it goes. Despite the funny tone, the movie got me to really think about what these gay people are going through, how hard it must be. The characters were for the most part pretty good, and I liked the romance between the two girls. It was actually very sweet and felt genuine, and not exploitative at all - I say this because I think a lot of lesbian cinema tends to kind of fetishize the romance and objectify the women with a lot of "male gaze-y" like shots. But this was pretty classy. It's hard for me to really analyze this movie too much and speak on how deep it is because I am not gay...but I did like it a lot. I think I just like romance and this was a pretty okay one at least. There's something about Yuri I guess that feels so sweet, and I think the advantage homosexual love has is the forbidden aspect of it, and what the characters have to overcome to be together. Anywaysss...funny movie go watch it!! Even if you think gay stuff is cringe, this movie does it in a pretty tasteful way where it's making fun of itself, literally having them call each people faggots for example haha - so even if you're a homophobic piece of shit it's probably okay??

Casino Royale

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

Watched this a bit ago. Pretty cool, pretty sad, love ojisans...It just got better and better and maaann fck these bitches ;; You know the main thing I found surprising was how fast old man Daniel Craig could keep up with chasing these criminals...Anyways I love the character development I'm glad they went this way instead of the typical boyish shoot shoot kill stuff...

Hot Fuzz

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8

Pretty good movie!! I can recognize most parts of it were very well made and I enjoyed the experience. I'm not really a big comedy I person, I don't really seek out laughs or anything, so I do actually appreciate the dead-pan dark humour of these british films!! Although some jokes I still didn't really "get"...oh well. I've just accepted these kinds of movies aren't really for me. Also I found the editing and jump cuts to be reeallyy fast sometimes to the point of being nauseating and I didn't really like that :( But other than that, pretty well paced and I liked the character development!!

Pride and Prejudice

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 9

I looove the romance...sweet and tsundere and cute!! Regency era or whatever you would call this is suuuper comfy and astonishing to see, I love the setting and environments and costumes. The dialogue is so fancy and clever and fast I almost miss it sometimes and don't understand what they're saying but it makes me feel sophisticated. I love the characters, they are very charming for the most part and memorable. I love my girl Lizzy, she really makes me feel represented...:) Anyways, Jane Austen is the GOAT, the queen of female romance, I love it so thank you anyone who watched it with me haha!! This is classic romance film for a REASON okay...


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

Watched this with my community! So I thought this movie was very cool. It is a very cool and interesting concept; humanity stuck on a train, frozen apocolyptic landscape outside. Although there are a lot of plot holes and it doesn't work too well when you think of it. Living in a train forever would be very hellish, like imagine having to walk through everything...There are also a lot of cars that are just skipped, and it made me think of did people live normally through these cars? There are also some very silly action sequences that don't really make sense - like trying to shoot each other from different cars of the train very far apart and also not caring about breaking the glass...However the action scenes were pretty fun and unique! Although I think the movie was overall very cool and well acted, you just have to ignore the parts that don't make sense (although it kind of kills the illusion). The end was very interesting, as you see how everything has built up to that point. It starts to make sense a little. But it was actually kind of funny when they revealed what happened to the kids...I didn't understand the ultimate conclusion at first, but now I do. I think it makes sense that it is better to live in a world being free if the world you have to live in is powered by something like that. Although the people who survived at the end were absolutely fucked with no hope for survival really - however I understand the message is that life did live on actually and that they were more free than they thought. The movie clearly deals with a lot of classcism, rich vs poor, revolution and people rising up, and then what those people who do rise up end up doing with their new power. Like, the cycle of tyranny almost continued! Overall I think it was a fun movie, silly in parts and doesn't make too much sense when you think about it though, and the conclusion is initially kind of unsatisfying like, what really that just happened? It ends there? I'm pretty interested in this world but it seems like everything else related to this is kind of shit...

Triangle of Sadness

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

This movie was on my watchlist for a while so I decided to just watch it one day. It's one of those "anti-capitalist" movies that's been popular lately. I think it was quite good, although I had a hard time understanding some things since I didn't have subtitles. I think what it was trying to say is pretty simplistic but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It was pretty funny at points with just how absurd the whole situation is. The ending though felt very sudden and incomplete to me. It leaves the conclusion unanswered so I'm not really sure what to take away from it. Maybe that is part of the point, but I feel it could have been executed better. I don't know what it means basically. I also don't know how the movie title exactly relates to the whole movie, I mean it's a line a character says near the beginning to refer to a point on the face inbetween the eyebrows but I don't really see how that relates to the rest of the movie. Maybe because there's kind of a love triangle? And everyone is sad?


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8

What can I say, this was a nice comedy movie. I'm not too much a fan of the comedy genre, I'm not the type to laugh out loud at jokes or to find pratical humour funny. A lot of the jokes here were clever and I recognized that but it was nothing I was going crazy over. There is also a lack of logic/continuity sometimes for the sake of a joke, which I suppose is normal, but not something I'm used to when I'm trying to follow the plot of a movie. Overall I thought the movie was still good and I can see why it is a classic, a lot of memorable moments. Although the plane never twists like in the poster...

The Notebook

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 10

I'm not crying you're crying!! Very beautiful, kind of fucked up, but a lot of scenes and lines that really made me cry, like they're so sweet. And that's pretty rare for me I feel. Idk why this movie was hated some years ago? I feel it's pretty well paced and interesting, at least I was really into it. It's cute! And it's a Ryan Gosling film so I mean come on you guys have to like this it's literally you...Anyways yeah a great romance definitely a classic!!

The Shawshank Redemption

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 10

Finally watched this on the train as I never really had an excuse to before. Well, it seems like there's a reason this is a classic. I watched it without english subtitles as they didn't have any and I was first worried about this, but it was pretty easy to understand with good sound mixing. But really this is a beautiful movie that was really easy to watch. The prison setting is really interesting and it presents prison in a digestible way, without seeming too dramatized or over the top or cheesy. The characters are great and it got my constantly thinking about how Andy is going to escape. It had great moments and moments that broke my heart, though I never cried (maybe I'm just more hardened now, since I know this movie is infamous for that). The movie was a little long and certain parts felt dragged out (for example, when he plays the music in the prison - I didn't really get that and he seemed so stubborn about it) but nothing that is like a big deal. I don't want to nitpick this movie too much because yeah it's just good from start to finish, a classic. Makes me wonder if this is an original screenplay or not? Either way, it's got a great message too. You either keep living or you keep dying. I think this movie could fill you with a lot of hope when you need it.

When Harry Met Sally

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 9.5

I really like this movie, its very funny and charming and romantic. The dialogue holds up really well, I was pleasantly surprised. I've already seen this movie before but it is still very fun on another time through. Something about these old movies is really comforting. It's very well paced and I like seeing the outfits and hairstyles from back then. Meg Ryan looks great in this she's so pretty!! Anyways, this is really one of the best romantic comedys of all time, with memorable and iconic scenes and one of the best speech scenes at the end of the movie. I remember crying during that when I first watched this, which is rare for me with movies! I think most people would enjoy this movie, if nothing else it's pretty short and goes by quickly and it's very sweet I don't think anyone could really hate this.

The Tearsmith

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 2

Okay this movie was kind of funny in a bad way. It's this teen romance novel adapted to a movie. The main characters are orphans of course. And they've been in love since they were children apparently. But the boy is just so edgy and has to stay away from her and tries to make her hate him because oohhhh you just caaan't be with meee i'm so terrribble. Yeah that kind of thing. They get adopted together and become pseudo siblings. Of course there is immediate tension between them. This movie is rated M and so promised to be a little spicy, these were the scenes I was really waiting for tbh. But it never gets that spicy! At most there is some top nudity and some licking and kissing but eh...I was hoping for more. For a guy described as a wolf you know, it was pretty tame...The romance honestly doesn't make too much sense I don't get why they like each other so much...There's some funny NTR like scenes though when this other guy tries to romance the girl. Also, the end turns into a sudden court drama?? But not really cuz its so short?? And of course the main girl has to explain out lout to the audience why the main boy is so edgyyy uuuu. Man I love exposition!! Anyways this is a whatever movie but I watched it with my community while kinda drunk so it was pretty bearable for me, probably not bearable for most people tbh.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

Weird rat movie. But, it was better than I thought it'd be. Has surprisingly deep-ish levels of like sociatel commentary and such. It's all a rat race...Willard is just a poor autistic guy who was dealt a shitty hand. It's funny how crazy it gets with the rats but it also deals with having like a shitty boss and a dad who killed himself and a mom who is dying, how do you deal with that? I'm sure it must be hard for even any "normal" person. Anyways yeah the rats are cool and they're fucking demonic and powerful too. It's kind of impressive how well any cgi was hidden with this as I didn't even notice. Pretty interesting movie! Also FUCK Ben hmph...

The Sound of Music

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

Pretty good movie! The songs were quite goood and very fun, even if they feel a bit "old timey", like theyre not these banger bops that'll be in your head for weeks but just subtle little sweet songs. I was actually surprised how much this movie tied into WW2 but it's technically some historical film because of that. It was interesting to see and learn about the family and how they worked, and the relationship warming over time between the two leads was pretty natural and sweet. It's nice going to these old movies and seeing all the real locations and great costume work, it's a very aesthetically pleasing film that is beautifully shot I think, and really well sung. One of the best movie musicals probably.

Dune Part 2

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

I really liked this movie! It was a great experience. Despite how long it is, the movie just flew by and I barely noticed it. The pacing is tight and it is full of important moments. So much so that they had to cut a LOT of material from the book for this movie - making every scene here very crucial and pivotal. So I guess I'll start with that. I think what they cut made sense and still resulted in a good product, they included everything that they NEEDED to at least. But it is still a bit disappointing. What they cut kind of changes what the ultimate outcome will be I think as well...The timeline will be quite different here than what is canonical in the books, and it makes me wonder what more they might change in future installments (if there are more movies). As a fan of course I want to see a FULL adaptation and it's just a bit sad how that has never happened and likely never will due to the sheer size of these books. But anyways. The ending is a bit different from the book due to these changes and personally I think it ends on a really weird note? It's the same as Part 1 where it ends on a weird cliffhanger. The Dune book itself actually ends on a cliffhanger too but they add in this weird extra drama with Chani here...Anyways, on that note, let's talk about the performances. I think they were pretty good for the most part! I like how they portrayed the Harkonnens...just a buncha baldies...The artistic choice to portray Geidi Prime as a black and white planet was interesting as well (though I kind of wonder if it was just some pretentious decision to make the film look more artsy...) The Fremen culture seeemed a bit lacking and generic imo. But it was fine, good enough. Some aspects of the Fremen culture might be considered offensive to modern movie-goers I guess? Timothee carries as usual as Paul, he is quite good. However I think there was a bit of a lack of chemistry between him and Zendaya (Chani). The romance scenes were better than I expected they would be, but still overall kind of awkward and fastly progressing. I won't really fault the movie too much for this though because even in the books, the source material, I've always found the romance lacking. I don't think Frank Herbert really wrote any of the romance too well. But I digress...Paul was cool here and I think it's a great depiction of him. Chani could've been better, she was quite a diva in this. Jessica was pretty great and I think she was portrayed really accurately and well! But I wish they went more into her motivations and the Bene Gesserit teachings that shape the way that she's acting. It might seem a bit out of place or random to an average viewer. Stilgar was funny with his messiah talk but I remember him being more skeptical in the beginning, instead of immediately believing in Paul. Feyd Rautha was pretty cool too, though a bit edgy. I feel they made him more important in this (hyping him up as a villain sort of character) but similar to the books, it ends up being a bit...underwhelming...due to this fate...Overall though the characters were quite good but I don't think anyone will get an Oscar or anything for these performances tbh. Okay so now to talk about things I found cool...the worm riding was very cool for sure. It felt very realistic and impactful, the way the worm kicks up the sand, the rush of the sand and the wind and all that felt like yeah, that's how it would be...although a lot of it was obscured tbh. Which maybe is realistic but you couldn't see much. But the effects were really well done so it wasn't so obvious that things were fake or being obfuscated for the sake of the movie. It's cool to see all the devices and such from the books in these movies (for example, the water of life), because it is never actually described in too much detail what these things look like in the book. You have to use your imagination. So it is cool to see the director's interpretation for how these things work, and if it makes sense then that can then change the way you see things in the series and make things clearer. Overall, I don't have tooo much to say about this movie. Nothing egregious or bad, but nothing standing out too much either that makes me go "omg this is so amazing I have to nerd out about this". But it was definitely better than the first movie. I mean putting aside the content, the visuals, the sounds, the costumes, all pretty great. Just a good viewing experience! It was good seeing it in a theatre but tbh I don't think it is too necessary, despite the cool visuals and stuff this movie is mostly about the story content (although everything around it is a great treat too).


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 6

I love me some Timothee Chalamet...He was really fun in this film! Kind of the main reason I watched this but I also heard it's a musical and I have a soft spot for those...This was also directed by the Paddington 2 director which I remember liking. So I expected this to just be some wholesome fun, which it pretty much was. It definitely comes across as a "kid" movie, nothing too amazing here really. A lot of random Hollywood actors which kinda makes you raise your brow like, wtf are they doing here. Must've been paid a lot to do this. Regardless, it's a pretty fun mindless movie, I feel it gets weaker over time tbh, maybe that's just general wear after some time. Like, the whimsy effect started to wear off. The main conflict is kinda stupid but it makes sense I guess. I don't know why it had to focus so much on this orphan though. It's not as crazy as you would think a Willy Wonka origin story would be, like I would've wanted to see more of like where tf this chocolate comes from, how he started the factory, and got into a pact with all the oompa loompas (who were BARELY in this movie and just served as a deus ex machina near the end) this was kind of one of the most boring parts of his life you could depict perhaps haha. Regardless, it was a fine movie. Better than a lot of other stuff for kids. One of my favourite little fun facts of this movie is that the guy who plays Stilgar in the new Dune movies apparently watched this film 3 times in the theatre...he loved it that much. So it definitely has a weird little cult following. It is clever at points but ultimately don't expect too much of this movie I think, you get what you see pretty much. Timmy definitely carried this imo his scenes are always the best, he really has such a good range and he pulled it off well imo. Though his singing kinda felt really autotuned and weird...but whatever. Yeah I wish the songs were better in this too. At least there's a sick big group dance number at some point!

Dune Part 1

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

I think it's a good movie, but despite being a Dune fan, it is still flawed...I don't think it is something I would want to rewatch over and over. This movie is basically a whooole exposition for the rest of next movie? series? So when I already know all of this it's not actually that cool. And there are a lot of "cool" establishing shots but I feel that they go on a biiit too long. I also don't really like all the vision scenes in this actually. It also just adds more to the film without really actually adding anything. Like it goes on too loooong...We get the whole Chani vision thing already y'know? And they spam a certain song in the soundtrack a bit much imo. Finally, the ending is kinda objectively underwhelming. While this is uninevitable, since this is only covering half of the first real Dune book, it's not just simply something everyone will forgive. The climax isn't too exciting or interesting and also ends with little fanfare...I know I'm being harsh on this film but its not like I HATE it...The actors are good, the sets and effects are reeaaallyy good, but it doesn't really hold up too well on rewatches/once you know the series. Hoping for more for Dune part 2!!

The French Dispatch

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

I enjoyed this movie quite a lot, though in short, I think it is a *bit* too pretentious and artsy for my tastes. Regardless, this is a relatively fast paced movie with some great acting and sound/music which makes it pretty easy to watch even with how confusing it can get. I found this movie's premise to be interesting. It is essentially about this one eccentric kinda rich dude back in the 20th century who made their own little section of a popular newspaper in some bumfuck nowhere in America. They hire all these writers and fund them to write articles related to stuff happening in France (specifically the city of Ennui, apparently). So the movie shows the stories of a few of these articles, centered around the death of this guy. All the writers he hired are these really eccentric and interesting people covering really weird stories, and you learn to appreciate this guy and what he did for them by "saving" them with his newspaper. I initially only wanted to watch this movie because it has Timothee Chalamet in it. But actually, he is only a small part of the film. Nevertheless I liked it anyways and I got quite hooked to a few of the stories. The non-linear storytelling and change in visual styles is different from what you'll see in most films and is pretty emblematic of Wes Anderson. So if you know him, you probably know what to expect here. It can be quite refreshing but also a bit too much at times. Anyways, I don't know what else to say sooo...


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

I love British Oxford Gay(?) Psycho :D I did find it a pretty good movie though, looks great and sounds great. Not sure why it was in a weird square resolution, idk what it really added to the movie and the message other than just being there because it's ~artsy~. It was a bit slow at times and hard to keep up with but it picked up and became pretty gripping! I love these kinda stories, love thrillers, always thinking "okay what is he gonna do next"...Anyway I think I'd watch it again just to fully piece everything together...Oh yeah, this movie is pretty degenerate btw (tho I wish it went a bit harder sometimes and really leaned into it)...I mean they're all PSYCHOs tbh...I wonder if it's trying to say something about that? Like we see the rich ppl as assholes but turns out *he* was an asshole/psycho the whole time so...? I guess we all suck :)

The Revenant

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 6.5

Watched this as part of a community watchalong night. I did like the movie, it had some great acting and cinematic shots. This looks like it was all filmed on location which is pretty cool if true, I always appreciate that stuff. However it did drag at points. It is a long movie and it feels like it definitely didn't need to be, could have cut some parts. Specifically all of the "weird native american" things felt like it was unnecessary? I mean like the moments where Leo is like tripping out or something and hallucinating things, kinda weird. But speaking of Native Americans, it was nice to see some "diversity" in that respect? Like you don't see it often and it is true that they faced a lot of abuse back then, so being reminded of that/seeing that conveyed is pretty cool I guess. The movie is definitely trying to be very realistic and authentic. Oh, but the Oscar bait scenes were a bit eye roley haha. Like when Leo went into that horse?? Did he really have to?? Does he even care about this movie or did he just really want some excuse or way to get an Oscar finally? I don't know and I don't know if it really makes the movie better, but well yeah. Tom Hardy was funny though.

Society of the Snow

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 9.5

Amazing movie. It's captivating, horrifying, it fills you with dread and hope and you really feel the soul of the story here, it's so immersive. I didn't know this was based on a true story when I was watching, but it makes it even more insane. I like that it's a Spanish film as well, adds a level of authenticity to it than if it were some hollywood english blockbuster. The effects were also really well done in this film,it's really impressive, and the makeup is insane they actually look like they're dying...This kind of story makes me appreciate my life even more, at least it hasn't been as bad as this. I'm still thinking about this movie and story, it's so thought provoking! I don't want to say too much so that I don't spoil the experience so please watch it okay it's great! If only a BIT slow at times but it sets the mood and atmosphere well! I hope Netflix still makes good shit like this (even though we all know it'll mostly be slop anyways...)

The Boy and the Heron

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

Really great new Miyazaki film, he's so back...The landscapes and music in this film are just GORGEOUS. The characters and great and feel like real people (I do think a lot of Ghibli films, they don't really spend time on the characters much). The film is very weird and interesting, with things changing and warping a lot with a lot of style to it. Oh and I LOVED the warawara they are soooo cute ahhh...My only issue with the film really is it definitely drags at times, especially near the beginning. It is kind of a long movie with a lot of scenes/shots of people kinda sitting around. I know it's meant to be atmospheric but it goes a little long. Some of the character designs were also kinda gross, but...I guess that's the point...Also, the plot itself is pretty confusing? Like the reason why things are happening...I can grasp it but it's pretty abstract. Anyways, this movie made me tear up as always with Ghibli so good job on that!! Yeah I liked this okay.

It's a Wonderful Life

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 9.5

Great great movie. What can I say? It holds up so well, I imagine this being timeless. I watched it in color, I'm curious to rewatch it in the original B/W. Anyways, even without the Christmas part, it's a great movie, and all the Christmas stuff just adds to it. Like it's everything I want in a Christmas movie. It's just Christmas enough to feel like it's Christmas, but it also has its own interesting plot and characters (and romance even!!), with a good amount of tasteful humour. GOOD STUFF WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY JUST WATCH IT!!

Love Actually

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8

Okay I actually loved this movie I think. It was so crazy! It was neat following all these little storylines, although they never really "came together" in the end. I guess the point was to just show all these different perspectives and versions of "love"? Certain storylines I definitely liked more than others though, I found myself getting a bit bored and annoyed in some sections. But overally it was pretty well paced despite being quite a long movie. It gets silly and funny and has some fucked up moments, and I love it for it. It wasn't quite the Christmas romance film I expected, though that stuff is certainly there too. Like it's definitely more of a COMEDY! I guess it can be hard keeping up with all the couples and the names but, overall it wasn't a big deal. A film any Christmas lover should see at least once!! Though it actually wasn't really that Christmas-like.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

This movie is insane as well. I found it quite funny (thought not to say it shouldn't be taken seriously). The hijinks just go crazy here...You have to see it to understand but basically, it's some ratchet shit, involving prostitutes doing prostitute things I guess, so stay away if you're not comfortable with that. I think it handles everything well though and nothing is sexualized actually. I find this stuff really fascinating personally. It also leans more heavily into the Christmas theming. The film is basically about all these outcasts of society being alone on Christmas cuz no one understands them really, except the friendship of these two prostitutes is able to endure evrything they go through during the movie basically, it's a good show of comraderie. I will mention too this movie goes HEAVILY into trans culture I guess. Bit of a touchy subject, I just viewed it as any other movie though. It's simply a fact of these characters and informs some of the struggles they go through. Oh, and apparent fun fact about this movie; it was apparently shot only on an iPhone. It looks amazing so props to the director. I do wonder if it was filmed with just some guy holding an iPhone walking around haha, like as opposed to a traditional camera man. How did he keep his hands still? Maybe they used some other method to film? Very interesting though, makes me wonder if it was some artistic choice, or if they just had low budget and Apple sponsored this or something. ANYWAYS it's a heartfelt funny movie and if you don't mind that it's heavily centered around this trans prostitution scene, you should watch it (on Christmas).


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7.5

I liked this one, but it does have issues. First of all the main premise is pretty fucked. It's basically encouraging cheating on someone you love because you've found someone "better", I guess?? It's not something you see often, and I sort of appreciate it for that. It's a facet of love and relationships that you just don't see portrayed. It's true that sometimes you'll find people that you just get along so well with, but you're both already taken (or at least one person is). Do you drop everything to be with them? Do you continue on in your relationship but continue dreaming about this other person you actually like better? It's a fucked up situation and I honestly don't know the right answer. But in the end, it seems the couple here are happy with each other and they are happy leaving their partners, although I do feel bad for the partners, perhaps it was for the best. You should be with someone who truly loves you and will always pick you, right? Anyways, I might have kinda spoiled the whole movie, but well the plot synoposis does that anyways it's not hard to tell okay? Regardless of all that, for the most part the movie was pretty entertaining and well paced, but some parts might really annoying people, such as all the near misses that happen and the general plot being crazy.

Christmas Vacation

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 6

Basically a slapstick comedy themed around Christmas. It's a well beloved classic, but honestly I just found it kind of okay? I'm not a big comedy person, and all the jokes were either just gross or some physical comedy which does nothing for me. But it's got a lot of that Christmas spirit. Not something I'd watch if it wasn't Christmas though. This movie encapsulates the annoyances of being around family and I guess I'm glad I don't have to deal with that. But I'm also kind of envious of that big family vibe. It's also got all the Christmas tropes and things that you expect American families to do these days. Christmas vibes pretty okay with this one.

The Wolf of Wall Street

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

Wtf is this movie. It's insane. So fucking insane. I mean it's good, and entertaining pretty much throughout. Although I do feel some scenes definitely dragged on too long and were quite annoying. This movie is almost 3 hours long, movies this long have to do a lot to not wear on my patience and well, not even this movie could escape that. But I do understand, there was a lot to cover in this movie, but it could have been tighter by cutting some of the dumb scenes. Like, these stupid joke scenes that just went on too long and weren't really funny (like yeah okay I get the joke please move on!!). This movie is full debauchery, depravity and perversion. And I feel it leans into it a bit too much to the point it gets a bit uncomfortable. Characters always obsessing about drugs, sex, prostitutes...I know that's the point but still, it makes it harder to take this movie seriously. Leonardio DiCaprio definitely had a great performance here but perhaps the reason he didn't win the Oscar is that the movie can feel even a bit juvenile - and while it's true he portrayed that type of character as you would except, and it was really believable, the character himself is such an unlikeable immature douchebag. I feel a bit sad honestly that probably many men genuinely look up to this guy...I also really wonder if this movie had any effect on the real stock market, stock brokers in the real world, etc. I also wonder if its realistic at all? I mean it's supposed based on a book made by the real this really what people do...Also wtf this movie came out on Christmas day apparently kekw does it count as a Christmas movie then??


  • Status: Completed (community watchalong)
  • Rating: 6

Interesting movie. Fun, fast paced, enjoyable. I didn't mind the humour. But not all of it landed for me. It definitely feels a bit "dated" but it's not bad right now. Kind of cringe, kind of edgy, but doesn't go too far that it's so eyerolley. Some parts feel like its definitely just trying to be offensive and stupid for the sake of it. There's also quite a lot of plotholes and it really doesn't make sense if you think about it...Also I did not expect them to show fcking real genetelia WTF AHHHHH GROOSSS

Starship Troopers

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

This movie feels so 90s, which I guess makes sense (it was made in the 90s). It almost feels like a Disney Channel Movie except it's rated R. I expected this movie to be about sci fi space fighting and all war stuff, which it KINDA IS, but it starts out with some high school drama shit. I didn't hate it though. It was enjoyable in a turn your brain off type of way. Some of the interactions between these characters were pretty funny. Getting more into the rest of the movie, I really enjoyed the sci fi elements. The little bits of lore, about the settings and the bugs, were actually interesting to me. I loved the sections in the movie where it would transition to these "Would you like to know more?" computer segments, I found them super creative and fun and interesting. The fighting and military stuff, I didn't care for at all of course. Many of the characters seem kind of dumb too in their actions, but only if you really think about it for too long. But I will say that overall this movie feels too long. It's about 2 hours and feels like it really could have been more concise. But I do understand, there is a lot of story to cover. But maybe that's just the inherent flaw that will be in these movies that try to adapt these long stories. The ending happened pretty quickly and suddenly for example. On further reflection, I do like how this movie was actually going for an anti-war message pretty much. But it just makes me think of how stupid the military is to a point that it just annoys me. The characters are just forced to through all this basically; the movie doesn't present a solution or anything to this problem, of war or whatever. This movie also actually looks better than you'd expect for 90s sci fi, with good effects. Anyways, there are a lot of cool concepts in this movie and I appreciate what it was going for, but it is way too cheesy and boring at times, and even without having read the source material I can tell it must be a pretty poor adaptation. But nonetheless it was an okay viewing experience and it was worth it I think, if nothing else for the meme potential it has.

Talk to Me

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8

Neat fast paced movie that keeps you interested. It was a bit annoying in the beginning, watching these characters just kind of mess around with some stupid ass rap music playing in the background, although I understand the kind of vibes they were going for. This is basically a modern "dumb teenagers doing dumb shit messing with spirits" kind of movie. It is well known though, all aspects of the production and the acting. It's hard to like the characters though. They all seem either dumb, stupid, or just assholes. While it is definitely a horror movie, it isn't quite too scary for me. There's no jumpscares or anything really, but it is creepy and a freaky concept. It was interesting to actually watch the main character lose their mind and go all schizo, and the movie really goes full circle. Overall this was quite enjoyable!

We’re All Going to the World’s Fair

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 6.5

This was an interesting movie to say the least. It's not that I dislike it, but it feels like not much really happened. It is one of those indie, artsy, weird films. I can tell it's trying to speak to a very specific type of person. And I do really get it in a way. I relate a lot to the protagonist, as I was once a lonely teenage girl on the Internet doing dumb shit. It had some cool scenes and a neat format but a lot of the scenes do feel like they dragged on too much. I was also hoping this would be scarier, or lean into the horror creepypasta shit more. A lot of it was creepy, for sure, but not unsettling to my core or anything. I'm glad I watched it though and it's definitely a neat experience. Anyone who grew up on the Internet, especially around Internet horror or creepypasta spaces would appreciate this to some extent. The whole groomnig shit was a bit weird but, I guess that's part of the whole point too. And I will commend the acting of the lead actress, who had her acting debut here. The film also had a very cozy and comfy vibe at points - the whole kind of North American east coast fall/winter vibes. Even has an ASMR scene at one point.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 9

I really liked this. This movie feels so immersive; I love the setting of the ship, and when they get onto the planet even that feels cool and "realistic". It's well acted with likeable characters and an interesting universe. However I do feel like there was a lot of plotholes in this movie, times when the characters acted a bit weird or stupid. Especially the ending sequence when they're trying to escape. Regardless, the Alien was really interesting - these kind of otherwordly beings are always fascinating. I imagine more lore on them comes in later movies. It also looked really good for its age, any practical effects were hard to notice and the visual effects that were present have aged pretty well. The movie felt suspenseful and overall I was more scared during this than some other movies on this list - but it was still pretty weak in the "horror" deparment in my opinion. It is however just scary as a concept, being stuck on a ship with this crazy killer Alien. At least in The Thing, the thing you're stuck with looks human and isn't particularly terrifying on its own. The vibes of these old movies as always is immaculate, it's allowed to breathe and it has nice shots with not a lot of cuts. Anyways, this was good and I think I'll watch the sequel at some point.

The Thing

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8.5

Really well made movie. Great, subtle soundtrack. The mystery and slow build up at the start was nice, and the characters were actually pretty competent and smart (for the most part). However I didn't find The Thing or the concept of it too scary - I feel like there were easier/better ways to deal with it. It can't work in groups for example, and while I suppose multiple people could be "Things", I don't think that ever actually happened. The open ended ending was nice, there's several possibilities that could have happened, and it's nice to theorize about. ALl of the practical effects were really cool, but, sometimes looked a bit goofy and took me out it a bit, as if I could tell "yeah this is just some prop" or something. That also kind of decreased the scare factor for me. While I didn't find the movie too scary, I do like how subtle it was throughout and not in-your-face as a lot of modern horror is. The snowy setting was nice as well and felt nostalgic to me. It's a good solid story. However I must say Among Us has probably fucking ruined this movie I couldn't stop thinking of how that game references this movie and how similar they are and it really just takes you out of it you know?


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7.5

Said to be one of the best movies in the found footage horror genre. Something about this genre indeed feels very authentic, genuine, and immersive. It uses the medium of found footage well to create a sense of space. I admittedly found many aspects of this movie funny, and as kind of expected of this genre, the characters are let's say less than smart...It's not too bad but sometimes it is a bit eye roley. Overall this was a fun movie though. Certain parts did feel a bit drawn out, and I was often just waiting for something to happen. The movie itself is pretty short so maybe they just needed to draw it out? (I say this, but it really isn't so bad. Once the movie gets going, it really gets going). Anyways, scare wise it wasn't too bad. Not really too scary or horrific, some jumpscares here and there but nothing too bad (at least in my opinion). The ending sequence though, that was quite spooky and chilling. Overall this is a nice horror movie that is pretty easy to watch, I'd recommend it I think, just be aware of gore and such.

Dune (1984)

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

This movie is insane. It's not "good", and it's a pretty bad adaptation of Dune, but it's so crazy. 80s sci fi was weird man. The fucking shield scene at the beginning of the movie made me lose it. The jank special effects are very endearing and it veers into the "so bad it's good" territory. This movie made me really want to know what the people who saw this when it came out originally though. Like was this ever considered good?? Anyways I wouldn't mind rewatching this just for the fun of all the jank 80s-isms, and it's still a story I enjoy. Even if it does some weird things with the source material, it is still Dune. Being familiar with it makes it feel comfy in a way. It is cute and silly but I prefer most things from the 2021 Dune.

Erin Brockovitch

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 5

Watched this movie cuz it was leaving Netflix and looked like the kinda vibes I like in a movie. It was alright, not too interesting though. The title alone should let you know that this movie is pretty much just a character study. Single mother basically solving some lawyer case...It had cute moments for sure and overall nice messages but like. Just felt very generic I guess. Can't see myself coming back to this. Great acting on the lead actress's part though. It's always nice seeing movies that still feel like movies, without all the stupid stuff that modern Hollywood brings.

The Cabin in the Woods

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

I liked this movie overall. I kind of didn't expect it to be a typical horror film, which I'm guess I'm glad of. I didn't find it scary, just fun. This movie is entertaining but personally I don't think it has much substance. It is clearly a movie for horror fans. It is a bit of a parody of the horror movie genre and is very meta. The whole thing at the end is a big "oohhh" moment but I personally found it a bit eye roley too. I'm not a big fan of the whole meta commentary thing, I remember this was a big trend for a while. Like sure you can point of how all these things are tropes and how common they are but when you're just doing it yourself too, what's really the point? Still it was enjoyable and interesting. If you're a fan of horror movies then give this a shot, if you're not, maybe this could be an okay introduction, it's not really scary.

Good Will Hunting

  • Status: Completed (community watchalong)
  • Rating: 8.5

Very comfy movie, makes you think a lot about stuff. Kind of vulgar though. It was very trippy to see young Matt Damon and Ben Affleck but they were good here still. Robin Williams was great as always. My favourite part was when Will Gooded all over them and they were all like, man that was a Good Will Hunting! I really enjoyed Will as a character, and the movie allowed me to reflect on my own life a lot. I love these coming of age films as I feel like I've been trying to find myself, I've been in that period of life for the longest time, and I'm still not out of it. I'm not exactly using movies to guide me or tell me the answers, but it helps knowing how I might approach things in life.

Lala Land

  • Status: Completed x3
  • Rating: 10

I love this movie so much. I've watched it a few times now. It evokes such a comfy for me. I really enjoy bittersweet romance movies so this one just hits. I love musicals too, and this one is quite good in that department. There's something so magical about this movie. I also relate to it a lot in the sense of the struggle in the entertainment industry. While I do find it a bit tongue in cheek for a major Hollywood blockbuster film to be talking about how hard it is in Hollywood (or entertainment in general, Seb is just a piano jazz player), it is easy to work. The song near the end of the movie that Mia sings made me cry so much first listening to it. So many people have all these hopes and dreams that will never get realized, and yet they keep hoping and dreaming. Because we need people like that, that's how we get the ones who do succeed and make such great and moving art that entertains thousands. As a streamer, I feel that sense of just continuing to go no matter what, having that dream, hoping that someday the right person will find you and see you for who you are - a talented person. While I kind of dislike the ending, I think it delivers a nice message nonetheless. I will continue to daydream and imagine the things that could be :)

Bones and All

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7.5

I wanted to watch this movie pretty much for two reasons: 1) Timothee Chalamet 2) I am fascinated by body horror. On the 2nd point, this movie is actually pretty tame with that. It's not really much of a horror movie, though the main "antagonist" Sully is definitely quite terrifying. Great acting on his part. I enjoyed watching Timothee in this movie though I didn't quite buy the romance between him and the lead. That aside, this movie is mainly about cannibalism. It's interesting seeing how our protagonist literally cannot help themselves. It's clearly, imo, a metaphor for addiction. Addictions being passed down to our children through our habits, how we raise them...cycles of abuse and trauma, all of that you know. I'm not sure what to make of the ending, like she had to go back to her "addiction"...perhaps it's hard to truly let go of that stuff. But I believe there could've been a way forward. They clearly were trying. I suppose it's just tragic. This movie also very much has the vibe of a road trip film, which I did not expect going into this, but they basically go all around the US. If you're into that, you may like this too, it has some edge to it though of course.

Gone Girl

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 8

I was initially a bit skeptical to watch this. Ben Affleck has become a bit of meme, at least for me personally, but it didn't actually bother me too much in this movie. He was just a bit goofy sometimes. I remembered this movie/book being quite popular on Tumblr back in the day but I never got into it. Just thought it was one of those girly tumberlism books that probably wasn't that good anyways. I also had the impression that it was this very mysterious girlboss kinda movie where everyone self inserts themselves into?? After having watched it, I'd be quite surprised if girls genuinely wanted to be like Amy haha. These kind of toxic relationships on screen are very interesting to watch I think. But I think they can also be dangerous in some way, like they're glorifying the messed up kind of love these people have, and sending some kind of message of "this is how things should be/actually are". Like, don't actually kill people okay guys? It's nice to say that's all "love" but much simpler and kinder things can count too. You don't have to always be hurting each other to be in love too. And you don't have to expect that your relationship will go in the shitter once you get married. Anyways, looking past all that, and taking the movie for what it is, I did enjoy it. It was a bit more simple and "surface level" than I expected; I thought the mystery of where Amy went would be the focus of the whole movie but then we "find" her like half way through (maybe even earlier). What I found interesting is that once we do "find" Amy, the movie at that point has set up Nick to be quite unlikeable, suspicious, and we're primed to just be on Amy's side automatically. But that's exactly what's happening to people in the movie as well; Nick is blamed for everything, everything she has said is believed, Amy is forgiven because she's a poor abused woman. Quite soon we find out that she's actually not that great and is genuinely psychotic and toxic herself. She's built this worldview that suits her own needs. For example, when she meets the trailerpark couple, she automatically assumes the man in that relationship was making the woman do bad things (robbing Amy), because she assumes that men in relationships must just be the controlling ones or that the women in relationships change themselves to fit the other person. But, then the woman reveals that no it was HER idea. Ultimately I'm not sure Amy learned much from that interaction though. Our opinion of Amy switches quite a bit, and we end up seeing her truly a crazy person, while Nick seems much more sensible - perhaps again a reflection of what the news/media in the movie themselves is thinking. You sort of realize how ridiculous the movie is when Amy gets away with all this stuff by the end of it, but it's ultimately easy to overlook. Anyways, I really enjoy this one, I'm just cautious of what it is trying to say. Is it just a pure depiction of a toxic, psychotic relationship? I'm not sure if it's even chastising these kind of relationships, or encouraging them. I'd like to believe love is much more, well better than this haha. It was a well made film though.

In Bruges

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7/10 I liked it okay

An enjoyable movie. Well paced, good acting, score, and cinematography - everything you would want really. The locations are beautiful, I really love Europe but Bruges really is like a fairytale place. The humour is quite dark and "british", so that may not be for everyone. I'm not a big fan of comedy or action movies, but there was still something here for me. It's not exactly a comedy movie, it's quite depressing at times and definitely something to actually take seriously - like you shouldn't just turn your brain off. This movie has actual things to say. I'm unsure about the ambiguous ending but it's not really a big deal. I'm not sure the point of the movie is to know what happens there - it perhaps just ties into the meaning of it all, which I don't exactly want to spoil. The religious metaphors hold up well. All in all, I'm not sure if it'd be good or bad to watch this while you're suicidal. Also this makes me really want to go to Bruges lol

Call Me By Your Name

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating:9.5

I love this movie. I've seen it twice already. It is one of the most atmosphere movies I've seen; you really feel like you're in Italy. The sounds, the colours, you can almost taste everything on screen. It flys by just as summer does. It is just the right type of bitersweet romance that I love. The greatest romance of all time? No, probably not even in recent years. It is quite sad. I did cry the first time I watched this. But I love the message and I love what it does. I think it's great that there's a genuinely good gay romance on screen that isn't about "being gay" while at the same time still subtly acknowledging the issues that gay people face. It's important in that way. It is just a good romance, it doesn't matter that it is gay, but the fact that it is gay is an important part of the story. Well, anyways, I liked the romance, and I like the message of following your heart and giving all of yourself, even though it hurts. You're given only one heart, and one body, and your body will one day give out, so don't neglect your heart. It's important to feel the hurt. Also, the whole age gap thing didn't bother me, I feel I should mention that. It's a special type of relationship that I'm sure many can relate to. But, you know, I've never figured out what the whole deal is with the "Call Me By Your Name" thing. Why is Oliver even into that. Kind of weird to call your own name while you're fcking orgasming or something but okay I guess they're into that.


  • Status: Completed
  • Rating:7/10

I didn't quite get this movie at first. Honestly, this felt hard to get through. I was close to just closing this movie early. The first half hour - hour are quite rough. Boring, you could say. I only didn't because I was on an airplane and didn't really have anything better to do. The long opening credits, the first scene with the interview which felt very technical to me - I didn't get it, I thought I was lost or something. Was I supposed to know about all this classical music stuff? It felt frustrating that the movie wasn't explaining this stuff to me. In the end, I knew it didn't really matter, but it was hard to get engaged and interested to begin with. In retrospect, I understand what they were doing. This movie is about the character Tar. It's about her performance, how she's directing (or...conducting??) the conversations, how tailored she is, not necessarily about what she's saying. The movie gets much more engaging as you go on. I like what it says about time, about powerful people and corruption, all of that. Music was great of course. It is definitely interesting to see a female villain/asshole character that is manipulating everyone. It almost doesn't feel as bad, which definitely says something (about our society). What can I say, it is a slow burn character study. Something something, lesbian Joker haha!! Watch this if you're a NERD or something.

Little Women

  • Status: Completed x2
  • Rating:9

I love this movie. I love the old setting, something about Victorian era shit gets me (even though I know this isn't exactly Victorian but still). This movie is comfy, it feels real, it is nostalgic...The acting is amazing from everyone, and it has such a star studded cast too. The way they present scenes out of order is really well done and makes for an engaging experience, as we get to see the effects of the passage of time more clearly. It is another kind of bittersweet romance, though more sweet than bitter. But I know that's not really the point, it's not really a romance movie. It is a coming of age through and through, for women. It is a feminist movie without being too annoying about it. It's saying important things. I only learned after that this was a book adaptation and that this has been adapted many times actually. But, I'm glad Greta Gerwig did her own take on it, I think it definitely deserves to exist and it's probably the best adaptation. I find this movie very relateable as a woman, and it probably has experiences many people can relate to. Not to diminish the movie just to that, something "relateable". It just depicts these periods of life, these experiences, so well. It puts words to feelings that you haven't been able to express before, and teaches important lessons. To be loved is not the same as loving. I want to rewatch it sometime for sure. I'm already rewatching certain scenes. Also damn I didn't know Timothee Chalamet was in this movie but I was so happy when I saw him haha.

Mean Girls

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: 7

This movie is just straight up fun. It is very much 2000's coded and vibes. Great pacing, something is always happening. Has many iconic and classic lines and memes. It is a great parody of high school movies, very funny, great to laugh at and drink to (if you're into that). You may not always be in the mood for this though. I don't know what else to say to this really, it's not some cinematic masterpiece or something I'd want to rewatch once in a while, it just hits that very specific spot but it hits it well.

Mamma Mia

  • Status: Completed
  • Rating: fun ass movie it is silly it is musical

Haha gay dad go brrr. Also milfs, a lot of milfs. A movie for milfs and milf enjoyers and musical lovers. Beware the cringe singing though. Seriously though, this movie feels like going back to an older, simpler time. It is idealic and beautiful and a feel good summer movie.