Misc things I have watched or am watching

Severance S2
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 6.5
I really wanted to like this season...Unfortunately I think it lost the plot a bit. It focuses less on the comedy, characters, and commentary (which I think were the strongest points of the first season) to go all in on the "story", the mystery behind what's going on. Yet this ends up being pretty unsatisfying, and with the mystique gone the whole thing feels kind of predictable and basic. There's lots of "conveniences" for the purpose of driving the plot forward (no security, characters not asking questions or behaving in realistic ways, etc) that you question immediately while watching but it's just handwaved away or not answered at all. Writing quality for the characters is much worse and they don't feel as likeable or grounded as previous seasons (save for maybe, Irving in EP4 and Milchick sometimes). Most of the middle of this season just feels like filler, edging plot points that are only intended to be answered in the finale - *cough* Cold Harbour *cough*, and events that seemed to just waste our time - Reintegration? Yeah none of that mattered or did anything. So much stuff that it feels likethey either forgot about or decided to just drop. Maybe there's some grand and artistic vision for all this but right now, it doesn't feel great. Some of the episodes feel so slow pace wise with nothing "happening"...again, that feeling of saving it all for the finale. I would say the best episodes are Ep 1, 4, maybe 7, and then the final one, 10, as these feel like the most significant moments with everything else inbetween filling things out. It is also quite upsetting that one of the best characters, Irving, will possibly not be returning when there's still so many mysteries about him. But I will say this season does have some interesting themes, and the Innie Mark - Outie Mark dichotomy is super interesting to think about. I still think this is overall a good show and worth watching, definitely some great moments and I think it will go down in pop culture history, but I think for sure S1 was better - THIS season might have had more impressive cinematography and whatnot, but the writing in S1 was way better (a noticeable trend of recent TV shows sadly...I think we are still suffering from the WGA strikes) and it overall felt comfier. Luckily Season 3 was confirmed, but I feel a bit apprehensive about it as I'm not sure what they could even do in another season without feeling contrived, we'll probably have to wait a couple years to see anyways.

Severance S1
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 9
Funny, mysterious and quirky commentary on workplace culture. Great characters that are fun to be around. Everything in this show is "weird", especially the company Lumon but I think it's a GOOD thing we don't know much about them, makes for a fun time theorizing and trying to piece together the little pieces that you are shown. The theme song is also soooo good ahhh. The last episodes are amazing and have you on the edge of your seat for the whole time with an amazing cliffhanger ending.

Squid Game Season 2
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 6
This season is definitely more sloppy. Not only that but it's pretty undercooked. Only 7 episodes (what's with this trend in TV with episodes going down?), so there isn't really payoff for anything that happens, no final development of these characters (which the show focuses more on many individual characters now). For the most part the season just retreads old ground. Same squid games, same deaths and killing. We see a bit more - people trying to infiltrate the base (they all fail though), some of what the guards are doing, and more about the characters as I said. But I didn't really care about the characters too much, I mean they're okay I guess but pretty one note, some of them with really eye-roley tendencies. I will say, the first episode or so is MUCH stronger than the rest of the season - this is before the games start again, and it is actually interesting to see the hunt for the recruiter and wondering if we'll actually be able to stop the games (well, ofc not). The rest isn't bad, just not very creative. It is still fun to see the death games and there are some cool sequences but it does make you think that, really this is it...Anyways, kind of disappointing overall, but if you're a squid game fan worth watching I guess - there will be a season 3 so I think that will answer all of the question and wrap everything up, and I look forward to that, this season was kind of just filler honestly. This might be sloppa but better than Hollywood/Western sloppa for sure.

Dune Prophecy Season 1
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 7
I think this is quite a decent show, especially if you are an exisiting Dune fan. I was very excited when I saw this was coming out - Dune media until the Villeneuve films was very rare and often not exactly good or accurate, so to see a lot of projects feels like there's a chance to see more of the crazier, later Dune stuff adapted to screen, which I think is what every Dune fan wants. The most alarming thing about this show from the start was that it's only 6 episodes long - I think for ANY TV series, especially if you're trying to tell a complex plot from a famous sci-fi series, it feels too short. Nevertheless, I watched the whole thing weekly as it was coming out. As an HBO show it definitely has a level of quality, although it has some things too which obviously feel very "TV" like and you can see some obvious low budget things - repeated sets, simple outfits, weird acting sometimes...but at least it didn't have the egregious green screen and writing issues like House of the Dragon had. Speaking of that, a lot of elements here feel very "Game of Thrones"-y too, it feels like they were trying to give off that wibe. It kind of makes sense, as a semi-fantasy drama involving politics and families and whatnot...I didn't mind it personally. They also answer enough questions by the end of it for it to feel justified, although I still think not enough information was given, but the extra long last episode was appreciated as I see they were trying. It has been renewed for a season 2 already so that's good, but who knows when we'll see it. I've seen some posts online saying the show is boring, goes nowhere, doesn't live up to the hype...I can see that but honestly it is fine, if you're not into the Dune universe it probably DOES feel those ways. While it's exciting for a Dune fan to see lore references, someone else just wouldn't "get it". So I would probably only recommend this if you really want to get into Dune, as a standalone show I think it's fiiine but probably too boring for the average person.

The Umbrella Academy Season 4
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 3
The more I think about this the more upset I get. This was one of my favourite shows, a rare good Netflix original series that was actually getting a conclusion. But, season 3 showed some cracks in the writers room - it was pretty bland and dumb and cringe and repeated the same stuff we knew. I fear that season 4 suffered especially because of the writers strike and it feels like it was hastily put together and put out like someone submitting the bare minimum requirement right before an assignment is due. It's sloppy, dumb, cliche, and unfulfilling. This season also had significantly less episodes than previous seasons, with only 6 as opposed to 10. So the plot was pretty rushed, but at the same time a lot of things happened that didn't matter at all. And some of the jokes were so bad, god the baby shark spam...It's hard for me to describe everything wrong with this season because it's just so much. The use of powers was inconsistent with the previous season and overall pretty lame, it didn't feel like the stakes were very high, the villains sucked and were incompetent, the Keepers cult was cringe, many decisions didn't make sense at all (why did Reginald's wife have to go and kill Gene and impersonaate him? Whatever she wanted was going to happen anyways, and why tf were Ben and Jennifer so stupid), character assassinations (why tf was Five and Lila a thing), ugly ass cgi (god Ben why), not funny (when the series is known for being quirky and charming and cute), an ending that you could say invalidates the whole series...So many useless things that would change nothing if you kept them out and characters acting so stupid. Things that were staples of the series such as the dance scenes and fight scenes were sooo lame here and barely existant. Many mysteries that the show was building up to over the seasons were never explained, mostly to do with Reginald, feeling quite unsatisfying. I only didn't rate this lower because it is still worth it I guess at least to me to see these characters again. Them adjusting to their normal lives was pretty interesting to see, though I wish it was a bit less gross and was touched on a bit more. I still like the characters and Klaus was especially good this season, at least compared to everyone else. But if you're new to this series, maybe stop at season 2. Personally I really dislike the ending here as everyone just, gives up, the "villain" wins and then we cut to some perfect world - but how is this world relevant to us anymore? All the characters we love are gone, it just looks some like normal ass suburban world tbh. This is what everything was sacrificed for? Why did the writers have to write everyone into a wall like this? guh!!

The Boys Season 4
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 6.5
I actually think this season was quite decent! Better than some previous seasons. There were actually some good setups and payoffs - however a lot of it was still a little eyerolly. Sister Sage just going along with everything Homelander wanted (it would be cool if it twisted into a betrayal, maybe it still will?). Just sucks to see everything go well for Homelander I don't know why she would support such a person. Homelander is honestly so annoying, I feel they kind of milk him too much being such a hammy villain, it's gotten kiind of old at this point? Yeah he's an asshole who looks down on everyone, okay...yeah he's trying to groom his son to be like him, okay...However, there were some nice character developments over the season, and it was pretty entertaining overall (although as usual some really gross scenes...). I didn't like what they did with The Deep this season though, he was kind of just an asshole. All the political satire and commentary was soo over the top and became a bit obnoxious. Anyways I don't feel like talking too much about this show zzzz but I don't think it was as bad as ppl were making it out to be. There will be one more season, the finale of this one was pretty good so I'm really curious what happens next (also excited for this "goose chase" to finally be over, I hate it when shows get dragged out).

Bridgerton Season 3
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 3
I've seen all the other Bridgerton seasons but this will be just for this season. I think this is the worst season by far. The romance is just not there. I did not care for ANY of the couples - and there were actually multiple, because the show decided to split its time between them, probably ending up in this mess where everyone feels sidelined. None of the characters this season are really interesting or fun to watch I think, it seems like they ran out of those from the other seasons. There's no sense of any "falling for" each other, everything kind of just happens, which for a romance show...it's pretty bad. The first half of the season is the worst, with this stupid plot contrivence of Colin "teaching" Penelope how to attract a guy when CLEARLY she only wants HIM, all the stuff with her failing to romance anyone is so cringe. At least in the second half they finally move on the romance by having Colin FINALLY ADMIT that he likes her. Although, tbh I don't know why. No offense to Penelope or the actor but....I don't really like how she looks...sorry, I don't get it, she's just fcking obessee sooobb. It is so cringe and disgusting to watch them kiss and do sexy stuff idk I can't stand to look at her or them like that. But I guess some people are into it. Anyways, it does pick up in the second half, with some tension between them, but Colin still acts like a fcking baby when he finds out she's Whistledown. It's so predictable and so not romantic. The whole Whistledown plot in the second part of the season was the most exciting, seeing if she would get caught for it, and what she's going to do about this second identity when Colin hates it. It was nice to see Penelope's family kind of come together and be more genuine and nice to each other. Still though, this season was disappointing and ends with just everyone getting paired off and okay there you go marriage. Omg there was that weird bisexual/threesome subplot going on as well?? Very weird I wondered if that was just representation for gay/polyamorous people or something. Anyways idk what to rate this tbh but I didn't like it, I still kept watching tho because it is like barely watchable, things change on screen a lot so it doesn't stay too boring and I still really like the environments and setpieces for the most part, that regency era shiiitt!!

Baby Reindeer
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 9
A very cool miniseries that I liked more than I though I would! Funny, well paced, well presented and acted...It's apparently based off of a true story, which makes it even crazier and sadder...But just considered the show itself, it was good and explored some interesting topics...Stalkers always fascinate me in media, it's getting as close to yanderes as you can get (which is a character trope I really like). I admire shows like this that are just as long as they need to be, no season 1 or season 2 bullshit. They tell the story they need and want to tell, and that's it. I think it results in some beautiful pacing that doesn't feel drawn out or milked. I think something like this could also be told in a very concise film, but I think the TV show format worked as well, and each episode made things more interesting as you learned more and more, unraveling the deeper story...Also this show had funny british people so I mean come on!!

- Status: Completed
- Rating: 7
Up to season 2! I think its a pretty good show overall but it still has some of the cringe stuff that I think Western animation is prone to...it's hard for me to describe but some scenes are just very uncomfortable, the characters look kind of ugly although not nearly as bad as most shows...it does have some really nice action scenes that are well animated but ofc other scenes suffer in their animation too. The story is pretty interesting although there are a lot of characters they end up following and I think some were not so necessary, it felt like they wanted to make sure they covered every possible base which I understand at least but it feels a bit overcrowded? hmmm idk but yeah it's cool superhero stuff at the end of the day

The Three Body Problem
- Status: Dropped
- Rating: ?

White Lotus Season 1
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 4
Yeah I think this sucked...very gross...bad characters...what was the point??

Single's Inferno
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 6
This show is fcking crazy man but it's got me hooked. It's like a full on drama but it's real people. It is also structured in a very digestible and actually kinda good way, like I kinda like the commentary actually?? Anyways, I can see why this is so popular, I will keep watching...
UPDATE: I've finished the first season. It's definitely still a trashy reality TV show, but I enjoy it, it's a bit BETTER than most at least...listen, I just like seeing people fall in love, okaaay?
More update: Yeah I finished the whole series, it is what it is, some nice romance slop to consume now and then haha. At least the Koreans give it some class and make it pretty entertaining actually...

Love on the Spectrum
- Status: Completed
- Rating: hmmm i don't know
So, I really like watching this series. It is a bit addicting, but it does get frustrating and drag at points. There's been a lot of discussion of whether this show is good or bad for autistic people. I do think it kind of infantalizes them a bit. Some of the dates that they set people up with seem pretty bad, but maybe that's hard to do in the first place. A lot of these people aren't able to set up dates at all outside of this so at least it is something. What bugs me is I guess the lack of "progression" you see. It feels they end the seasons so early and then you see the dates people went on rarely actually lead to a relationship - so I almost wonder okay what was the point (for me, as I viewer, I know for them it is still personal growth but, ofc I want to see them succeed). I also don't like how some people barely get any screen time, like my boy Steve...Maybe if they had less people in the show and just focused on a few, we could actually get invested and really help that person out. But, I don't know, maybe what I'm saying is all just problematic. But this show does make me wish I could get a "matchmaker" of sorts for all of my social problems haha...

Olive the Other Reindeer
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 8
Very cute little Christmas special! I'm not sure if I should include it, considering how short it was, but it was really great. Great to watch on Christmas. Made me nostalgic! It holds up well too! The voices are great, and the art is a bit wacky but it has its own style I guess. Olive is so positive and nice I love it. It's pretty funny at times too. It's just good!!

Peaky Blinders
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 9.5
You don't mess with the Peaky fuckin Blinders mate!! Amazing series, thrilling and exciting the whole way through, hardly a bad episode exists. The actors are phenomenal, especially Thomas fucking Shelby. This series has great memes too so there's that.

Sex Education
- Status: Completed
- Rating: 6.5
Okay if you have no idea what this show is, I know how it sounds. Tbh I wish it had less of a vulgar/"weird" name or whatever, but I guess that's kind of the point? Although it is kind of a difficult thing to Google haha...I came across this show kind of randomly on Netflix and after hearing some positive things about it, I decided to give it a shot. It's actually quite good, especially in the beginning. It basically rejects and breaks down stereotypes of a lot of common character tropes and I suppose it is "informative" in a way, it is nice that a show is actually talking about this stuff and issues that young adults may not really have experience with, at least not experience talking to others about this. The more open people can be about this stuff, the easier it will be to talk and bring stuff up when its needed. I also love how British this show is tbh hearing everyone in Brit accents just elevates a show an a base level at least like 2 points for me (well it's not just the language but the humour that comes with it as well, I quite enjoy). This show loses points though as the later seasons get weaker. I was still into the show and storylines, it's just that the characters come across as absolute assholes and the show never really addresses that and just leaves them be, as if that's "okay". The main character in particular, Otis, I find to be quite detestable. I was also really over his mom and all the stuff with that. It also gets really into "woke" shit to the point it feels quite eye-roley. But it does have some great characters and storylines too, shoutout to Adam/the Groff family. Anyways, not a bad show, just maybe stick to the first season or so. It's an interesting experience at least.

Breaking Bad
- Status: On hold
- Rating: 10, really good
What can I say, this is good, I'm enjoying it, waltuh white, let's cook. UPDATE: eerrmmm haha...

- Status: On hold
- Rating:
A very interesting thriller-horror show that is somewhat reminiscent of Stranger Things, except with teenagers, and it's German. Excited to see where this goes. Watch this knowing the least bit possible. Taking a break from this for now

Star Trek
- Status: On hold
- Rating:
Yes, this is the original series. I'd started watching this as someone interested in sci fi, old sci fi specifically. I really like the setting of this show. It is sort of on hold for now, as I've been watching other things. I haven't got very far but I do want to watch more! Space commies yeah!!